BLP Help

BLP is a program for the solution of linear programming problems. Given an objective function and a set of constraints, BLP identifies the optimal solution and presents a series of reports. User enters a model title and model description. Pressing the Run BLP button runs BLP and displays the generated reports

Model input requirements

  • Title. The title of the model is entered into the indicated form field.
  • Model definition. The model to be optimized is free-form with items separated by one or more blanks or new lines, although individual  names may not contain blanks. Models are defined by entering:
       1.  “MIN” or “MAX” for type of optimization.
       2.  A row label for the objective function.
       3.  A linear expression for the objective function
       4.  Up to 30 constraints of the form:
              Row label   Linear expression    Relation   Non-negative constant

    • Label or variable name: 1-8 letters and digits, beginning with letter
    • Label: a name, followed by a “)”, such as:   ROW1)
    • Linear expression: linear sum of variables multiplied by constants. For example:
                       2X - 13.5 ALPHA+ZETA
    • Relation:  the characters “<=”, “>=”, or “=”

Sample model

This model can be cut and pasted into the model definition form:

MAX PROFIT) 15B + 45C + 30D
SMHRS) B + 1.6C + 2.5D <= 240
MKTG) B - C >= 20
CLIMIT) C <= 50
DLIMIT) D <= 40

Model limits

The model cannot exceed 150 variables (including slack, surplus, and artificial variables) and 50 constraints. Nonnegativity of the variables is assumed and these constraints need not be entered.

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