Landis Automotive

This is the DTREE data for the Landis Automotive problem in the Production Systems Handbook:

D  1    2           Prc1  Use process 1
D  1    3           Prc2  Use process 2
D  1    4           Subc  Subcontract now
D  1    5           NoGo  Do not take contract
E  2    6   0.5000  Succ  Process 1 is successful
E  2    7   0.5000  Unsc  Process 1 is unsuccessful
D  3   14           Mk40  Produce 40 units
D  3   15           Mk20  Produce 20 units
E  4   30   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E  4   31   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
D  6    9           Mk40  Produce 40 units
D  6   10           Mk20  Produce 20 units
D  7   11           Subc  Subcontract to meet demand
D  7    8           Swh2  Switch to process 2
D  8   12           Mk40  Product 40 units
D  8   13           Mk20  Produce 20 units
E  9   16   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E  9   17   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
E 10   18   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E 10   19   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
E 11   20   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E 11   21   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
E 12   22   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E 12   23   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
E 13   24   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E 13   25   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
E 14   26   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E 14   27   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
E 15   28   0.4000  Dmd4  Demand is 40
E 15   29   0.6000  Dmd2  Demand is 20
P 16 220
P 17 60
P 18 120
P 19 100
P 20 20
P 21 0
P 22 140
P 23 -20
P 24 80
P 25 60
P 26 160
P 27 0
P 28 100
P 29 80
P 30 120
P 31 60

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