Relay Network Design with Direct Shipment and Multi-Relay Assignment

Amin Ziaeifar and Halit Uster


Please right-click and save the following zip file and unzip for data generation source code and test instances organized in 8 classes as described in the paper.


The code DataGeneratorRND.CPP generates test instances for the Relay Network Design Problem as follows:


[[W]] weights or demands matrix – demand between each pair of nodes

[[D]] distance matrix

[f] fixed cost array for locating RPs

[X] x coordinate for nodes

[Y] y coordinate for nodes

[H] a binary array showing potential RP nodes; 1 for RPs, 0 for non-RP nodes


The remaining four lines of data represent some information about the test instance as follows:


Number of nodes, long/medium/short-distance commodities percentage, density, short-to-medium|medium-to-long distance thresholds


The number of long-distance commodities

The number of medium-distance commodities

The number of short-distance commodities