— Starting this week, the Supreme Court will take up three cases dealing
with the Bush administration's detention of "enemy combatants." The
administration's lawyers argue for a view of executive authority that leaves
no room for "second-guessing" by the federal courts.
On the other side, briefs from across the political spectrum have
expressed alarm about that view. The Cato Institute, the libertarian
research organization, has filed a brief asserting that the government's
argument "strikes at the heart of habeas corpus,'' which, the brief calls "a
right to judicial protection against lawless incarceration by executive
Following is a sample of voices from the dozens of briefs received by the
Rasul v. Bush & Al Odah v. United States This case deals with
whether the federal courts have jurisdiction over the detention of
noncitizens held at the naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The following
brief was filed by eight former federal officials, including John H. Dalton
and Richard Danzig, former secretaries of the Navy.
If the government denies that foreign nationals have rights, then by
confining them at Guantánamo, it is engaged not in legal detention, but in a
lawless exercise of naked force. The Constitution, taken as a whole, binds
the conduct of the federal government wherever it acts.
If no constitutional rights applied to offshore detainees, then the
government would be free to create a parallel system of extraterritorial
courts and extraterritorial prisons to punish extraterritorial crimes
without legal oversight of constraint.
Surely this cannot be the law. Application of the due process clause to
prolonged custody at an offshore facility under complete U.S. government
control is neither impracticable nor anomalous. What would be anomalous is
authorizing the United States government to create and run an offshore
prison camp in a "rights-free zone."
This brief was filed by eight former high-ranking officials, including
William P. Barr, Edwin Meese III, and Richard Thornburgh, all former
attorneys general, and R. James Woolsey, former director of central
The fundamental error that runs through all of petitioners' arguments is
the attempt to conflate the commander in chief's exercise of military power
against an armed foreign enemy with the exercise of domestic law enforcement
authority. These are two very distinct constitutional realms, and the
differences between them bear directly on the availability of judicial
review. In the domestic realm of law enforcement, the government's role is
disciplinary - sanctioning an errant member of society for transgressing the
internal rules of the body politic.
The situation is entirely different in armed conflict where the entire
nation faces an external threat. Here the Constitution is not concerned with
handicapping the government to preserve other values. Rather it is designed
to maximize the government's efficiency to achieve victory - even at the
cost of "collateral damage" that would be unacceptable in the domestic
For this reason, the Constitution places exclusive authority to command
military operations in the unitary executive.
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld This case deals with whether the military can
keep a United States citizen, Yaser Esam Hamdi, who was seized overseas
during military operations, in indefinite custody without the ability to
challenge in federal court his designation as an enemy combatant. This brief
was filed by the American Bar Association:
Having labeled Hamdi an ''enemy combatant'' without notice or a
meaningful opportunity to be heard, the government now asserts that Hamdi
has no rights to contest his status as an "enemy combatant" or his continued
detention, because, as an "enemy combatant,'' he has no right to notice or a
meaningful opportunity to be heard. This argument is both circular and
In Hamdi's case, where the deprivation of liberty is complete, ongoing,
potentially without end, and based entirely upon a secret record, the need
for counsel could not be more compelling. The federal habeas corpus statutes
grant Hamdi, like any other person held by the government, the right to
present his side of the story.
The next brief was filed by the Washington Legal Foundation, a
conservative legal group:
One of our nation's greatest protections against foreign threat is the
authority vested in the president by Article II of the Constitution to act
as commander in chief in times of armed conflict. That authority allows the
president to handle the exigencies of war largely unencumbered by the
deliberative process of the Congress or the evidentiary burdens imposed by
the judiciary. Accepting Hamdi's position would require the courts to
abandon the deference they traditionally (and correctly) afford to military
The level of factual review urged by Hamdi, and originally ordered by the
district court, fails to give proper deference to the president's authority
under Article II to conduct military affairs. Any effort by the courts to
second-guess the president's military decision to detain Hamdi, in the
absence of evidence that he acted arbitrarily or in bad faith, would
undermine the separation of powers provided for in the Constitution and
would substantially weaken the executive's authority to provide for the
common defense in time of war.
Rumsfeld v. Padilla: This case deals with whether an American
citizen, Jose Padilla, caught within the United States, can be held
indefinitely by the military without the chance to challenge the basis for
his designation as an enemy combatant. The Cato Institute filed this brief:
If the government determines that an American citizen must be deprived of
his liberty because he poses a threat to public safety, it must be prepared
to defend that assessment in a court of law. The government's brief is so
replete with references to the president's Article II responsibilities as
commander in chief that its presentation of the matter tends to obscure one
of his other constitutional duties, namely, that he "shall take care that
the laws be faithfully executed.'' That constitutional duty was set down on
paper to remind the president (and others) that he should not enter office
with a view toward enforcing the laws that tend to aggrandize his power
while simultaneously ignoring the laws that tend to constrain his power.
The next brief was filed by two Republican senators, John Cornyn of
Texas and Larry E. Craig of Idaho:
The federal courts do not have the expertise or capability to determine
whether the actions undertaken by the government are necessary or
appropriate for fighting a war, and they risk interference with the nation's
need for a single, unitary national security policy in regard to an
international armed conflict. To exercise judicial review over the decision
on war would represent an unprecedented intrusion into the prerogatives of
the president and Congress and their determined efforts at cooperation in
this war.
This brief was filed by the American Center for Law and Justice, a law
firm affiliated with the Rev. Pat Robertson:
It is therefore necessary that the president have the leeway to deal with
United States citizens who have taken up arms against the United States the
same as the United States deals with captured enemy combatants from other
nations. Because of the unique nature of this war and the need to maintain
coalitions with a broad array of foreign governments, it is necessary for
the nation to speak with one voice. It is the executive who has been given
the responsibility to speak for the nation as a whole and, given the high
stakes involved, the judiciary must tread lightly so as to avoid undermining
the president's ability to successfully prosecute the ongoing war.
The Center for National Security Studies, a civil liberties group, and
the Constitution Project, which seeks broader recognition of constitutional
issues filed this brief:
To hold that the rule of law does not apply to any person within the
United States - to hold that he may be withdrawn from the purview and
protection of the nation's civil authorities and subjected to the
untrammeled military will of the president - is a dramatic thing indeed.
Whether that might be constitutional in time of dire emergency, when
Congress could not make arrangements for the effective civil government of
the nation, is fortunately not a matter that the court need consider today.
Our civil institutions are safe and well functioning, and Congress has made
no provision for the supplanting of the civil courts by military rule for
one such as respondent [Padilla], who does not fall within one of the
well-settled categories of persons to whom "the law of war" - i.e. military
authority - may be applied, rather than the exercise of reasoned judgment
that is the currency of our judicial system.