Southern Methodist University
Department of Chemistry
3215 Daniel Avenue
Fondren Science Building
Dallas, TX 75275, USA
Phone: 214-768-7879
Email: houliangt@smu.edu
Changchun, China
Ph.D., Chemistry, (Aug 2011 - Aug 2016)
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX
Research interests: controlled radical polymerization, highly branched polymers, degradable materials, hypervalent iodine chemistry, etc.
B.S., Polymer Chemistry, 2011
The University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, China
Thesis: “Preparation of polymeric gold nanoparticles based on PLGA-b-PEG copolymer.” (Advisor: Dr. Weidong He)
- Tang, H; Tsarevsky, N.V., “Lipoates as Building Blocks of Sulfur-containing Branched Macromolecules”, Ploym. Chem., 2015, 6, 6936-6945 (DOI: 10.1039/C5PY01005E, a cover paper)
Research Presentation
- Tang, H; Tsarevsky, N.V., “Design of degradable and non-degradable highly branched polymers based on lipoic acid”, 251th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 14, 2016, talk POLY 137 (accepted)
- Tang, H; Tsarevsky, N.V., “Synthesis of sulfur-rich branched polymers base on alpha lipoic acid derivatives”, Southern Methodist University Research Day, Dallas, TX, February 10, 2016, poster 81
- Tang, H; Tsarevsky, N.V., “Preparation of lipoate-related branched polymers by two different chemistries: utilizing radical ring-opening reaction of cyclic disulfide and thiol-ene reaction”, ACS Joint 67th Southeastern and 71th Southwest Regional Meeting, Memphis, TN, November 4, 2015, talk 68
- Tang, H; Tsarevsky, N.V., “Preparation of linear and highly branched functional polycyanoacrylates and their postpolymerization modifications”, 70th ACS Southwest Regional Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, November 20, 2014, poster 153
- Tang, H; Tsarevsky, N.V., “Synthesis and functionalization of disulfide-containing polycyanoacrylates”, 47th ACS DFW Meeting-in-Miniature, Fort Worth, TX, April 26, 2014, talk
- Tang, H; Tsarevsky, N.V., “Synthesis and functionalization of degradable, disulfide-containing, branched polycyanoacrylates”, 247th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 18, 2014, poster POLY 373