Author Information

Written by:

Paul S. Krueger (Personal Website)
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Southern Methodist University

Prof. Krueger received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1997. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology in 1998 and 2001, respectively. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Southern Methodist University in 2002 where he is currently an Associate Professor. Prof. Krueger's research spans a wide range of fluid flow phenomena including squid locomotion, pulsed jet propulsion for micro-scale applications, unsteady fluid mixing, and turbulent flows in porous media. He is a recipient of the Rolf D. Buhler Memorial Award in Aeronautics, 1998; the Richard Bruce Chapman Memorial Award for Distinguished Research in Hydrodynamics, 2001; and the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award, 2004.

Designed by:

William Bilyeu

Mr. Bilyeu received his B.S. in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering from Southern Methodist University in 2009. His career plans are to become involved in alternative fuel and energy research and development. He enjoys working with computers and designing graphic arts.


Lockheed Martin (

Pratt & Whitney (

General Electric (

Dr. David Jeon (Caltech) (

Prof. Joseph T. Thompson (Franklin and Marshall College) (

Prof. Frank Fish (West Chester University) (

Prof. George Lauder (Harvard) (

Prof. Geoff Spedding (USC) (

Prof. John O. Dabiri (Caltech) (

Prof. John H. Costello (Providence College) (

Prof. Sean P. Colin (Roger Williams University) (

Prof. Ian K. Bartol (Old Dominion University) (

Supported by:

National Science Foundation (