Academic Publications
Trading: Transparency and Market Structure (with Ayça Kaya), American
Economic Review 114(8), August 2024, 2388–2435. [Online Appendix]
Growth, Conservation of Capital and Convergence to a Positive Steady State
(with Tapan Mitra), Economic Theory
76(1), July 2023, 311-351.
Screening with Limited Records (with
Ayça Kaya), Games
and Economic Behavior 132, March 2022, 106-132.
Product Communication (with Maarten Janssen), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 14(1), February 2022,
Propensity to Consume and the Optimality of
Ramsey-Euler Policies (with Tapan Mitra), Economic Theory 73, February 2022, 55–89.
Irreversibility and the Economics of Forest
Conservation (with Adriana Piazza), Economic Theory 69, April 2020, 667–711. [Dedicated to Tapan Mitra on the occasion of
his 70th birthday]
Optimality of Ramsey-Euler Policy in the Stochastic
Growth Model (with Tapan Mitra), Journal
of Economic Theory 172, November 2017, 1-25.
Global Trade Negotiations behind a Fragmented World of "Gated Globalization"?
(with James Lake), Journal of
International Economics 108, September 2017, 117-136.
Competition, Disclosure and Signaling (with Maarten Janssen),
Economic Journal 125, February 2015,
Deforestation and Optimal Management (with Adriana Piazza), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 53, April 2015, 15-27.
Dynamic Sorting in Durable Goods Markets with Buyer Heterogeneity
Canadian Journal of Economics 47(3),
August 2014, 1010-31.
Dynamic Inconsistency and Non-preferential Taxation of
Foreign Capital (with Kaushal Kishore), Economics Letters 124, 2014, 88-92.
Positive Consumption in a Model of Stochastic Growth: The Role of Risk Aversion
(with Tapan Mitra), Journal of Economic Theory 147(2), March 2012,
On a Safe Capital Stock for Consumption Maintenance in a Convex Model of
Stochastic Growth (with Tapan Mitra), International Journal of
Economic Theory 8(1), March 2012, 49-66.
parallel import policies and international market structure (with
Kamal Saggi), Journal of International Economics 87(2), pp. 262-76, July
Stochastic Growth with Short Run Prediction of Shocks (with Itzhak Zilcha), Economic Theory 51, 539-80, 2012.
Strategic Competition and Optimal Parallel Import Policy (with Kamal Saggi), Canadian Journal of Economics 45(4), pp. 1369-96, November 2012.
Sequential and Simultaneous Contributions under Incomplete Information
(with Parimal Bag), International Journal
of Game Theory 40(1), February 2011, 119-145.
quality through prices in an oligopoly (with Maarten Janssen), Games and Economic Behavior 68(1),
January 2010, 192-207.
Sustained Economic Growth with Wealth Effects, International Journal of Economic Theory 6(1), March 2010, 29-45.
Dynamic Sanitary and Phytosanitary Trade Policy
(with Lars Olson), Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management 60(1), July 2010, 21-30.
Discounting and Infinite Horizon Optimization (with Mukul Majumdar),
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
10(2), August 2009.
Regulations and Economic Activity: Influence on Market Structure
(with D. Millimet and A. Sengupta), Annual
Review of Resource Economics, Volume 1, 99 - 118, 2009.
a Biological Invasion: A Non-Classical Dynamic Economic Model (with
Lars Olson), Economic Theory 36,
September 2008, 453-69.
charitable contributions under incomplete information (with Parimal
Bag), Economic Journal 118 (525),
January 2008, 60-91.
On the
Possibility of Extinction in a Class of Markov Processes in Economics
(with Tapan Mitra), Journal of
Mathematical Economics 43, Sep 2007, 842-854.
Non-smooth, Non-Convex Model of Economic Growth (with Takashi
Kamihigashi), Journal of Economic Theory
132(1), January 2007, 435-560.
Optimization with a Non-smooth, Non-convex Technology: The case of a Linear
Objective Function, (with Takashi Kamihigashi), Economic Theory 29(2), October 2006, 325-40.
Exploitation of Renewable Resources Under Uncertainty and the Extinction of
Species (with Tapan Mitra), Economic
Theory 28(1), May 2006, 1-23.
Control and Prevention of an Uncertain Biological Invasion (with
Lars Olson), Review of Agricultural
Economics 27 (3), 491-497, 2005.
of Stochastic Optimal Growth” (with L. Olson), Handbook of Optimal
Growth - Volume I: Discrete Time (Eds., R. A. Dana, C. Le Van, T. Mitra &
K. Nishimura), Springer, 2006
On Durable
Goods Markets with Entry and Adverse Selection (with Maarten
Janssen), Canadian Journal of Economics 37(3),
Aug 2004, 552-90.
Dynamic Trading
in a Durable Good Market with Asymmetric Information (with Maarten
Janssen), International Economic Review
43(1), February 2002, 257 - 282.
The Economics
of Controlling a Stochastic Biological Invasion (with Lars Olson), American Journal of Agricultural Economics
84(5), 1311-16, 2002.
Sustainable Growth, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO.
Complementarity in R&D Resources: Competitive Research Joint Ventures vs.
Independent R&D, (with Nejat Anbarci
and Robert Lemke), International Journal
of Industrial Organization 20 (2002), 191-213.
On Sustained
Growth under Uncertainty (with Paul de Hek),
International Economic Review 42(3), August
2001, pp. 801-814.
Efficiency of Renewable Resource Conservation under Uncertainty
(with Lars Olson), Journal of Economic
Theory 95(2), pp. 186-214, December, 2000.
Segmentation of a Market, International
Journal of Industrial Organization 18 (8), (December, 2000) pp. 1279-1290.
Cost Reducing
Investment, Competition and Industry Dynamics (with Emmanuel
Petrakis), International Economic Review
40(2), 381-401, May, 1999.
Country Bias and International Trade (with Jean-Marie Viaene), Review of International Economics 6(2),
pp. 204-219, 1998.
On Strategic
Vertical Foreign Investment (with Jean-Marie Viaene), Journal of International Economics
46(2), 253-279, 1998.
The Learning
Curve in a Competitive Industry (with Emmanuel Petrakis and Eric
Rasmusen), Rand Journal of Economics
28(2), pp. 248-268, 1997.
On Conservation
of Renewable Resources with Stock-Dependent Return and Non- Concave Production
(with Lars Olson), Journal of Economic
Theory 70(1), pp.133-157, 1996.
Models of Survival Under Uncertainty, Proceedings of the First World Congress
of Nonlinear Analysts (ed. V. Lakshmikantham), Volume
III, Walter de Gruyter & Co. (New York), 2873-2884, 1996.
Preference and Indirect Utility in Portfolio Choice Problems (with Rien Wagenvoort), Journal of Economics 63, 139-150, 1996.
Theory of Dynamic Portfolio Choice for Survival under Uncertainty,
Mathematical Social Sciences 30, 171
- 194, 1995.
Income Fluctuations and Capital Gains with a Convex Production Function: A Note,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
18(4), 1199-1202, 1994.
Some Aspects Of Survival Under Production Uncertainty
(with Tapan Mitra), Economic Theory
3(3), 397-411, 1993.