due Friday, February 6, 2015

van Holde et al., Chapter 2, p.104-105.

problems 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8

For particles, use the Boltzmann constant, k= 1.38 x 10-16 erg K-1
For moles, use R= 8.31 J K-1 mole-1 (107 erg = 1 Joule)


1.0. One of the so-called Maxwell relations is

This comes from dE = TdS - PdV ,

since dE is an exact differential,

Therefore, by Euler's criterion,

Using similar expressions for dH and dG, derive two other Maxwell relations.


2.0   ITC problem

Ligand A has an extremely high affinity for a receptor, and it cannot be measured by simple isothermal calorimetry.  A second ligand, B, has an affinity of 2 x 107 M-1 for the same receptor.  If the affinity for A is measured in the presence of 250 µM ligand B, the apparent value is found to be 2 x 108 M-1.  What is the affinity of the receptor for ligand A?