Gly-X-X-Gly interface

Glycophorin is a dimeric membrane protein. The two subunits interact in the membrane via two transmembrane alpha-helices. Each helix contains the G-X-X-G sequence motif. The presence of the glycines, lacking side chains, allows the helices to form very close contacts with each other. This is a common sequence motif in membrane proteins. The Glycine residues at the interface of the helices are colored green.

Note: Since this structure was determined by NMR, the Hydrogens are shown, colored white in the CPK scheme.

A transmembrane helix dimer: structure and implications.
MacKenzie, K.R., Prestegard, J.H., Engelman, D.M.
(1997) Science 276: 131-133


1afo (PDB)