
Neuroglobin is mainly expressed in vertebrate brain and retina. It binds oxygen and has a fold very similar to myoglobin.

Both neuroglobin and myoglobin have hexa-coordinated Fe, unlike myoglobin and hemoglobin, which have an open site (penta-coordinated). Look for 2 cpk-colored histidines to appear in each protein, which coordinate the heme-Fe.

Pesce, A., Dewilde, S., Nardini, M., Moens, L., Ascenzi, P., Hankeln, T., Burmester, T., Bolognesi, M.: Human Brain Neuroglobin Structure Reveals a Distinct Mode of Controlling Oxygen Affinity Structure 11 pp. 1087 (2003)

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Cytoglobin is found in many tissues, and can also bind oxygen, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. Human cytoglobin has 190 aa residues. A core region (about 150 residues, shown here) is structurally related to hemoglobin and myoglobin, with about 20 extra residues at both termini.

The roles of these proteins are not well-understood. They were only discovered in about 2000.

De Sanctis, D., Dewilde, S., Pesce, A., Moens, L., Ascenzi, P., Hankeln, T., Burmester, T., Bolognesi, M.: Crystal Structure of Cytoglobin: The Fourth Globin Type Discovered in Man Displays Heme Hexa-Coordination J.Mol.Biol. 336 pp. 917 (2004)

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