Show a Ramachandran plot in Jmol

You can also open the console, by clicking the button labeled "Console".

Now type "display Gly" to get the values of phi,psi angles for the Gly residues. Or any other amino acid (Pro, etc). There might be something wrong with this structure since some Gly residues, colored gold for beta-strands, appear in the lower right quadrant. (but not too seriously wrong).

Type "display all" to show all amino acids again. Type model 1.1 to get the original structure back. (with water now showing) To remove the waters, type "select protein; display selected"

Crystal structure of the epsilon subunit of the proton-translocating ATP synthase from Escherichia coli. Uhlin U, Cox GB, Guss JM. Structure. 1997 Sep 15;5(9):1219-30.(PubMed)

1aqt (PDB)