* Comparison of Panel Data Models in Stata clear all set more off use C:\data\panel_wage global id id global t t global ylist lwage global xlist exp exp2 wks ed describe $id $t $ylist $xlist summarize $id $t $ylist $xlist * Set data as panel data sort $id $t xtset $id $t xtdescribe xtsum $id $t $ylist $xlist * Pooled OLS estimator reg $ylist $xlist * Fixed effects or within estimator * Notice the F-test of the significance of the fixed effects * that is automatically produced in the fe output of xtreg. This is * the test for pooling. The null hypothesis is that the Pooled OLS * model is supported by the data whereas the alternative hypothesis is * that the fixed effects model is supported by the data. * In this case the Pooled OLS model is rejected in favor of the fixed * effects model. The observed F-statistic for testing for pooling is * 53.12 with N-1 = 594 numerator degrees of freedom and T*N - (N + k) * denominator degrees of freedom = 3567 where k is equal to the number * of time-varying regressors in the model, in this case, k = 3. The p-value * is less than 0.0000 indicating that the Pooled model is rejected in favor * of the fixed effects model. xtreg $ylist $xlist, fe * Random effects estimator * Theta is the GLS transformation parameter for the GLS estimation * of the data. Here it is 0.8228. * If theta = 0 we have the Pooled OLS estimator whereas if * theta = 1 we have the fixed effects model. * sigma_u is the standard deviation of the individual-specific random * effects. sigma_e is the standard deviation of the idiosyncharatic * error of the composite error in the RE model. Rho is the percentage of the * composite error's variance that is explained by the individual-specific * random effects. Here it is 81.5%. xtreg $ylist $xlist, re theta * Breusch-Pagan LM test for random effects versus Pooled OLS * The postestimation command "xttest0" conducts the Breusch-Pagan test * of the Pooled model (H0) versus the RE model (H1). The observed * chi-square (1) test statistic is 5192.13 with p-value < 0.0000. Therefore, * in this case, the Pooled OLS model is rejected in favor of * the Random Effects model. quietly xtreg $ylist $xlist, re xttest0 * After the above two specification tests, we are down to two possible * models: the FE and RE models. Both are favored over the Pooled model. * Hausman test for fixed versus random effects model * The null hypothesis is that the unobserved individual-specific * effects are uncorrelated with the explanatory variables of the model * suggesting the random effects model is the appropriate model * to use. The alternative hypothesis is that the unobserved * effects are correlated with the explanatory variables of * the model suggesting the fixed effects model is the appropriate * model to use. * In the current problem the null hypothesis is rejected while the * alternative hypothesis is accepted. The chi-square(3) statistic * is 6191.43 with p-value < 0.0000 suggesting that the fixed effects * model is to be preferred. quietly xtreg $ylist $xlist, fe estimates store fixed quietly xtreg $ylist $xlist, re estimates store random hausman fixed random * An alternative test for fixed versus random effects model * is the Mundlak test. What is assumed in the Mundlak test * is that there is a linear relationship (with noise) relating the * unobserved effects and the cross-section means of the time-varying * variables in the model. Below we conduct the Mundlak test. * The time-varying explanatory variables are exp exp2 and wks. * Notice that the Mundlak test equation has the original RE * explanatory variables in the model PLUS the cross-section means * of the time-varying variables in the RE model. Notice that * robust errors are used in the Mundlak test equation. * The null and alternative hypotheses are the same as those of the * Hausman test. * In the current problem chi-square(3) test statistic is 1792.1 with * a p-value < 0.0000. The null hypothesis is rejected while the * alternative hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the fixed effects * model is preferred. bysort id: egen mean_exp = mean(exp) bysort id: egen mean_exp2 = mean(exp2) bysort id: egen mean_wks = mean(wks) quietly xtreg $ylist $xlist mean_exp mean_exp2 mean_wks, vce(robust) test mean_exp mean_exp2 mean_wks * In summary, the F-test for pooling in the fixed estimation using * xtreg rejected the Pooled OLS model. The Breusch-Pagan LM test * for random effects versus Pooled OLS rejected the Pooled OLS model * in favor of the Random effects model. That is the rejection of * the Pooled OLS model by two separate tests. That pretty well * eliminates the Pooled OLS model from further consideration. On the * other hand, two separate tests supported the fixed effects model * over the random effects model (the Hausman and Mundlak tests). * Therefore, it seems appropriate to report our findings based on the * fixed effects model results.