EMIS: Fall, 2001
Teaching Assignments
n = Course expected to be offered
EMIS Fall 01 Instructor Time
1305 Computers and Information Technology n Lillard (coord)
2360 Engineering Economy n Helgason MWF or TT afternoons (same days as 8371)
3150 Computer Ethics n Lillard
3360 Operations Research n Olnick TT 2
3365 Introduction to Scientific Computing n MATH?
4340 Statistical Methods for Engineers and Applied Scientists n STAT?
5362 Production and Operations Management n Barr TT 3:30
5363 Applied Parallel Programming
5364 Statistical Quality Control
5369 Reliability Engineering
5370 Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers n Stracener TT 11
7300 Systems Analysis Methods n Stracener TT 5
7301 Systems Engineering Process n Hinderer M 6:30
7312 Systems Engineering for Software Intensive Systems n Oshana Any evening
7320 Systems Engineering Management n Arunski Sat 9-12
7330 Systems Reliability Engineering
7340 Logistics Systems Engineering
7360 Management of Information Technologies
7361 Computer Simulation Techniques
7362 Production and Operations Management n Barr TT 3:30
7370 Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers n Stracener TT 11
8360 Operations Research Models n Kennington MW 5
8362 Engineering Accounting n Barr TT 5
8364 Management for Engineers n Harpavat M 6:30
8370 Stochastic Models
8371 Linear Programming n Helgason MW TT eve (5 or 6:30, 90 min)
8372 Queueing Theory
8373 Integer Programming
8374 Network Flows
8378 Optimization Models for Decision Support
8381 Nonlinear Programming
8382 Theory of Optimization
8390 Dissertation *
8392 Graduate Seminar *
8393 Graduate Seminar *
8394 Selected Problems *
8395 Selected Problems *
7350 DFM & Concurrent Engineering n Stracener W 6:30