Jason Hao Pan

6071 Village Bend Drive · Dallas , TX 75206 · (469) 818-9985 · panhao1992@email.com

I am a graduate student of Computer Science at Southern Methodist University. Actively seeking full-time position as a backend software engineer.


Teaching Assistant

Southern Methodist University

• Discrete Computer Structures, Digital Computer Design, Computer Architecture.

January 2018 - May 2018

Data Engineer Intern

Big Data Institute, Shenzhen University, China

• Implemented a new high-dimensional data clustering algorithm using R.
• Co-published a research paper for the fifth China Computer Federation Conference on Big Data (CCF Big Data 2017).

May 2017 - August 2017

R & D Engineer Intern

Optical Valley Medical Science and Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., China

• Developed a project of Electronic Medical Record Systems.
• Was responsible for the development of the front end and the interaction between the front end and back end use ASP.Net and MVC architecture.
• Conducted practical survey to understand the hospital’s requirements and correspondingly improved the system design.

March 2014 - October 2014


Southern Methodist University

Master of Science
Computer Science - Web Development Track

GPA: 3.50

August 2016 - May 2018

Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Bachelor of Engineering

GPA: 3.46

September 2011 - June 2015


Back End
Front End


Awards & Certifications