This directory contains the following standard cell benchmarks: Name YAL datafile/library VPNR datafile/library #cells #nets #I/O ========================================================================= SC0 fract.vpnr/db.vpnr 125 147 24 SC1 primary1.yal/sclib.yal primary1.vpnr/sclib.db 752 904 81 SC2 struct.vpnr/db.vpnr 1888 1920 64 SC3 industry1.vpnr 2271 2594 814 SC3a industry1a.vpnr 2271 2479 580 SC4 primary2.yal/sclib.yal primary2.vpnr/sclib.db 2907 3029 10 SC5 biomed.vpnr/db.vpnr 6417 5766 97 SC6 industry2.vpnr 12142 13915 495 SC7 industry3.vpnr 15059 21966 375 Notes: Please treat ALL benchmarks as 'PRIMARY' - they are all of equal importance and cover a wide spectrum of circuit sizes. Plot magnifications will be specified at a later time. Benchmarks SC0, SC2, SC5, SC6, and SC7 use SCMOS MOSIS rules. The width of the P/G rails in the cells is 6 microns. Here are SCMOS rules: metal_1 wire width : w1 = 3 metal_1 wire-wire spacing : s1 = 3 metal_2 wire width : w2 = 3 metal_2 wire-wire spacing : s2 = 4 via size : svia = 2 via surrounding : vsur = 1 Benchmarks SC1 and SC4 use design rules specified in sclib.yal. See the beginng of the 'sclib.yal', even if you are using 'sclib.db'. The width of the P/G rails in the cells is 8 microns. Benchmark SC3 uses the following design rules: w1 = s1 = s2 = svia = 2 microns w2 = 2.8 microns vsur1 = 1 micron vsur2 = 0.4 micron Due to the specifics of the cells used in SC3, only VPNR description is available. Unless specified otherwise, all signal ports in all cells are on METAL2 layer, and all power/ground ports are on METAL1. SC0: This benchmark was used in the Physical Design Workshop 1989. It is also used in the ISCAS'89 Sequential Testability Benchmarks. SC1: This is the old 'Primary1' benchmark from Physical Design Workshop '87 and Workshop on Placement & Routing 1988. SC2: This circuit contains a fair amount of repetitive subcircuits. SC3: Benchmark 'industry1' contains 115 'pass-through' signals that occur only at the pins but do not connect to any cell. If your software cannot handle such nets, please use 'industry1a' which is the same circuit, but with the 'pass-through' I/Os removed. The cells used in SC3 differ significantly from the other cells. The signal ports are actually metal1/metal2 vias; metal 2 can route anywhere over the cells, metal1 is forbidden over the cells. Please route this benchmark with metal2 running verically and metal1 running horizontally (parallel to the cell rows). SC4: This is the old 'Primary2' benchmark from Physical Design Workshop '87 and Workshop on Placement & Routing 1988. SC5: This circuit contains a number of buses, hence it has fewer nets than cells. SC0 and SC5: These benchmarks can be routed with or without the scan chain. The scan chain is not connected in the benchmark files; your software is free to connect it in any manner that will be suitable. The only cell that goes into the scan chain is 'dsr2s', and the scan_in input is the second terminal of this cell. If your software cannot handle automatic scan chaining, please leave this input unconnected and make a note of it when presenting the benchmark results. Descriptions of both SC0 and SC5 are available on a mixed functional/ structural level as well. Those descriptions will be supplied at individual requests. Additional requests: ==================== P/G nets constraints: ---------- VALUES WILL BE SUPPLIED LATER ---------------- Aspect ratio constraints: Try to produce the following aspect ratios for each benchmark circuit: 1, 1.5, and 2. Fixed widths: ---------- VALUES WILL BE SUPPLIED LATER ---------------- Critical nets: There are no critical net data specified for these circuits (yet). However, the database 'db.vpnr' can be used to determine the longest path in benchmarks SC0, SC2, and SC5. The dsr2s and dr2s cells are d-flipflops. Please try to produce the layout that will minimize the delay from any input/flipflop output to any output/flipflop input. The delay data is specified in db.vpnr for each input-output pair of pins in each combinational cell. Please use the data in 'tech' regarding the metal1 and metal2 capacitances. See the description of the SCMOS technology for physical constants relevant to the timing issues.