SMU Computer Science and Engineering Department

Short Course Registration Form

Today's Date: ___________________ Email Address: ____________________________________
Last Name: __________________________ First Name: _____________________ M.I. ________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone (Day): ________________________________ Phone (Evening): _______________________
How did you hear about this course? _________________________________________________

Please enroll me in: Intellectual Property and Information Technology

January 16th, January 16th, 2015.
Friday January 16th - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday January 17th - 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Palmer Conference Center for Engineering Leadership
Caruth Hall, Rm. 406
3145 Dyer Street, Dallas, TX, 75205

Check for $200.00 enclosed, made payable to SMU

Send this form with payment to

Computer Science & Engineering Department
Southern Methodist University
P. O. Box 750122
Dallas, TX, 75275-0122

For additional information, call Beth Minton 214-768-3083