CSE 8391 FALL 2001
Mobile Computing and Databases
Mobile Computing has become an extremely important research topic covering
all computer science areas.
In this seminar course we will examine important research issues related to the
use of databases in the Mobile Computing environment.
The course will be structured as a seminar course - meeting once a week.
Each student is expected to participate and help lead discussions. There
will be no tests, but students will be graded based on participation,
reports and presentations.
There will be no book required for the course as most of the material will
be obtained from recently published articles. However, a copy of the
Data Management for Mobile Computing
will be placed on reserve.
Course Outline
contains more information about the course.
Project Description
Course Material:
8/29/01; Speaker-Dr. Dunham; Topic-Introduction:
Introductory Presentation
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
Anupam Joshi, A Survey of Mobile Computing Technologies and Applications, Tech. Report TR-95-050, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, 1995.
9/12/01; Speaker-Jahanzeb Faizan; Topic-Transactions:
Transactions Presentation
Paper 1:
Daniel Barbara,
"Mobile Computing and Databases-A survey"
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,Vol 11,No.1.,Jan/Feb.1999.
Paper 2:
Kenneth P.Smith, Barbara T. Blaustein, Sushil Jajodia,
"Correctness Criteria for Multilevel Secure Transactions",
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,Vol 8.,No.1 Feb 1996.
Paper 3:
H. Little, H. and A. Esterline,
"Agent-based transaction processing",
Proceedings of Southeastcon 2000, 2000.
Kala Bodige Paper:
Margaret H. Dunham, Abdelsalam Helal, and Santosh Balakrishnan,
A mobile transaction model that captures both the data and movement
Behavior, Mobile Networks and Applications 2 (1997) 149-162.
Aren Cambre Paper:
Huhns, M.N. & Abdulla, M.: "Benevolent agents", IEEE Internet Computing v3 n2, March-April 1999, pp. 96--98.
Mark Fontenot Paper:
D. Walborn and P. K. Chrysanthis. Pro-motion: Management of mobile transactions. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. 1997, Pages 101 - 108.
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Arun Kumar Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
"Pro - Motion: Management of Mobile Transactions,"
Proc. of the 11th ACM Annual Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 101--108, San Jose, CA, March 1997.
Tirath Mehta Paper:
SANJAY KUMAR MADRIA, TRANSACTION MODELS FOR MOBILE COMPUTING, Proceedings of 6th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Network,
World Scientific, Singapore, July, 1998.
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
Sanjay Kumar Madria, Transaction Models for Mobile Computing, Proceedings of the International Database Engineering and Application Symposium (IDEAS 1998), July 1998.
9/19/01; Speaker-Aren Cambre; Topic-MC and Web:
Paper 1:
"Intelligent Handoff for Mobile Wireless Internet"
Paper 2:
"Mobile and Wireless Internet Services: Putting the Pieces Together"
Paper 3:
"An Internet Infrastructure for Cellular CDMA Networks Using Mobile IP"
Paper 4:
"Any Network, Any Terminal, Anywhere".
Kala Bodige Paper:
Upkar Varshney and Ron Vetter, Emerging mobile and wireless networks, Communications of the ACM, Volume 43, Issue 6 (2000) Pages 73-81.
Mark Fontenot Paper:
H. Chang, C.Tait, N. Cohen, M. Shapiro, S. Mastrianni, R. Floyd, B. Housel, and D. Lindquist, Web Browsing in a Wireless Environment: Disconnected and Asynchronous Operation in ARTour Web Express, Proc. 3rd Ann. ACM/IEEE Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking, Budapest, Hungary, September 1997, Pages 260-269.
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Arun Kumar Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
Tirath Mehta Paper:
IBM, Product overview of WebSphere Everyplace Server.
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
Anne Fladenmuller ,Effect of Mobile IP handoffs on the performance of TCP, Proceedings of ACM Mobile Networks and Applications, 1999.
9/26/01; Speaker-Rachit Gupta; Topic-MC and Web and XML:
Paper 1:
Chi Wei Lan , Chun - Chou Chien , Meng Yen Hsieh , and Irene Chen,
"A Mobile E commerce Solution"
Paper 2:
Yoshihiro Ohmori, Kazushige Ouchi, Masakazu Hattori and
Miwako Doi,
"An XML Based Multimedia Data Acquisition and Retrieval with
Wearable Computer"
Paper 3:
Lalana Kagal, Vlad , Harry Chen , Anupam Joshi , Timothy
" Centauraus : A Framework for Intelligent Services in a Mobile Environment"
Kala Bodige Paper:
Cecilia Macolo, and Wolfgang Emmerich, XMIDDLE: An XML based Middleware for Mobile Computing.
Aren Cambre Paper: >
Hong Va Leong, Dennis McLeod, Antonio Si, and Stanley M. T. Yau,
"On supporting weakly-connected browsing in a mobile Web environment", Proceedings Distributed Computing Systems, 2000. Proceedings. 20th International Conference on , 2000
Page(s): 538 -546.
Jahanzeb Faizan Paper:
Discussion of local conference attended.
Mark Fontenot Paper:
Jason Pascoe. Adding generic contextual capabilities to wearable computers. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Wearable ComputersI, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press, Pages 92-99
Arun Kumar Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
C. Mascolo and W. Emmerich,
"XMIDDLE: A Data Sharing MiddleWare for Mobile Computing,"
To appear in Personal and Wireless Communications, Kluwer.
Tirath Mehta Paper:
Guntram Flach , Using Object-Relational Database Systems and XML in the Context of Mobile Environments.
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
Giacomo Cabri and Franco Zambonelli, XML Dataspaces for Mobile Agent co-ordination, IEEE Computer, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 82--89, Feb. 2000.
10/3/01; Speaker-Arun Kumar; Topic-Location Dependent Data:
Paper 1:
" Mobile Wireless Computing: Challenges in Data Management"
Paper 2:
" GeoCast - Geographic Addressing and Routing"
Paper 3:
"Using Semantic Caching to Manage Location Dependent Data in Mobile Computing"
Kala Bodige Paper:
Baihua Zheng and Dik Lun Lee, Processing Location-Dependent Queries in a Multi-cell Wireless Environment, ACM 0-89791-88-6/97/05.
Aren Cambre Paper:
Bulusu, J. Heidemann, D. Estrin, "GPS-less low cost outdoor localization for very small devices", Technical report 00-729, Computer science department, University of Southern California, Apr. 2000.
Jahanzeb Faizan Paper:
N. Komninos and B. Honary, Modified WAP for secure voice and video communication, Second International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 2001, Page(s): 33 -37.
Mark Fontenot Paper:
Ayse Y. Seydim, M. Dunham, V. Kumar. Location Dependent Query Processing. MobiDE, USA, 2001. Pages 47-53.
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
Kam-Yiu Lam, zgr Ulusoy, Tony S.H. Lee, Edward Chan and Guohui Li,
"An Efficient Method for Generating Location Dependent Updates for Processing of Location Dependent Continuous Queries,"
Proceedings of DASFAA 2001.
Tirath Mehta Paper:
Ulrich Walther and Stefan Fischer, LocaPhone - Location-Aware Group Communication for Mobile Groups.
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
Hans Erich , Location Aware Query Processing in Mobile Database Systems, Proceedings of Symposium on Applied Computing
Proceedings of the 1998 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 1998 Pages: 416 - 423 ISBN:0-89791-969-6.
10/10/01; Speaker-Kalavathi Bodge ; Topic-Broadcast Data
Paper 1:
" Broadcast Disks: Data Management for Asymmetric Communication Environments"
Paper 2:
"Data Broadcast for Time-Constrained Read-Only Transactions in Mobile Computing Systems"
Paper 3:
"Scheduling for Large-Scale On-Demand Data Broadcasting"
Aren Cambre Paper:
Q. L. Hu, D. L. Lee, and W.-C. Lee. Optimal channel allocation for data dissemination in mobile computing environments. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS98), pages 480-- 487, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 1998.
Jahanzeb Faizan Paper:
Daniel Barbara and T. Imeilinski, Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments ; Proceedings of SIGMOD ,May 1994.
Mark Fontenot Paper:
Aslihan Celik, Anindya Datta. A Scalable Approach for Boradcasting Data in a Wireless Network. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems, Rome, Italy, July 2001. Pages 131 - 138.
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Arun Kumar Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
Tirath Mehta Paper:
Swarup Acharya, Michael Franklin, Stanley Zdonik, Prefetching from a Broadcast Disk, Proceedings 12th International Conference on Data Engineering, Feb. 1996.
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
Kiran Prabhakara , Multi-level Multi-channel Air Cache Designs for Broadcasting in Mobile Environment , Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering Copyright (c) 1998 IEEE.
10/17/01; Speaker-Mark Fontenot; Topic-Moving Objects
Paper 1:
A. Sistla, A. Prasad, O. Wolfson, S. Chamberlain, S. Dao, "Modeling and Querying Moving
Objects," Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Engineering,
pp 422-432, 1997.
Paper 2:
O. Wolfson,
V. Xu, S. Chamberlain, and L. Jiang, "Moving Objects Databases: Issues and Solutions," Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, pp 111-122, 1998.
Paper 3:
Y. Masunaga and N. Ukai,
"Toward a 3D Moving Object Data Model - A Preliminary Consideration,"
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Database Assplications
in Non-Traditional Environments, 1999.
Kala Bodige Paper:
Evaggelia Pitoura and George Samaras, Locating Objects in Mobile computing, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
Aren Cambre Paper:
Q. L. Hu, D. L. Lee, and W.-C. Lee. Optimal channel allocation for data dissemination in mobile computing environments. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS98), pages 480-- 487, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 1998.
Jahanzeb Faizan Paper:
E. Pitoura and G. Samaras, Locating Objects in Mobile Computing,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Volume: 13 Issue: 4 ,
July-Aug. 2001 Page(s): 571 -592.
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Arun Kumar Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
Tireth Mehta Paper:
G. Kollios, D. Gunopolos, and V.J. Tsotras, On Indexing Mobile Objects, Proceedints of the ACM Symp. on Principles of Database Systems, 1999.
Abhishek Sanwal presented an overview of Temporal Logic.
10/24/01; Speaker-Tireth Mehta; Topic-Transaction Issues
Paper 1:
Evaggelia Pitoura and Bharat Bhargava,
"Maintaining Consistency of Data in Mobile Distributed Environments," Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Distributing Computing Systems,
Paper 2:
L. H. Yeo
and A. Zaslavsky,
"Submission of Transactions from Mobile Workstations in a Cooperative Multidatabase Processing Environment,"
Proceedingsf ot he 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing systems, 1994.
Paper 3:
Dhiraj K. Pradhan, P. Krishna, and Nitin H. Vaidya,
"Recovery in Mobile Wireless Environment: Design and Trade-Off Analysis,"
Kalavathi Bodige Paper 1:
Qi Lu and M. Satyanayana, Improving Consistency in Mobile Computing Using Isolation-Only Transactions.
Kalavathi Bodige Paper 2:
Richard C. Gass and Bidyut Gupta, An Efficient checkpointing scheme for mobile computing systems.
Aren Cambre Paper:
O. Wolfson, S. Chamberlain, S. Dao, L. Jiang, and G. Mendez. Cost and Imprecision in Modeling the Position of Moving Objects. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 98), 1998.
Jahanzeb Faizan Paper:
Mark Fontenot Paper:
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Arun Kumar Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
Recovery Guarantees in Mobile Systems, Proceedings of the ACM international workshop on Data engineering for wireless and mobile access
1999 Pages: 22 - 28 ISBN:1-58113-175-5.
11/14/01; Speaker-Saurabh Mehta; Topic-Caching
Paper 1:
Chan, Si, and Leong, "Caching Management for Mobile Databases: Design and Evaluation",
ICDE 98 : Pages 54-63
Paper 2:
Ouri Wolfson, Prasad Sistla, Huang ,
"Minimization of Communication Cost through Caching in Mobile Environments",
IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Dist Systems 1998: Pg 378-389
Paper 3:
Daniel Barbara and Tomasz Imielinsk,i "Sleepers and Workaholics : Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments",
Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Int. Conference on Management of Data 94: pp 1-12
Kala Bodige Paper 1:
Kam-Yiu, Edward Chan, and Joe Chen-Hung Yuen, Broadcast strategies to Maintain Cached Data for Mobile Computing System.
Kala Bodige Paper 2:
Kevin W. Proese and Richard B. Bunt, Cache Management for Mobile File Service.
Aren Cambre Paper:
Jahanzeb Faizan Paper:
Mark Fontenot Paper:
Kahol, A. Khurana, S. Gupta, S.K.S. Srimani, P.K. "An Efficient Cache Maintenance Scheme for Mobile Environment," International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. pp 530 - 537. 2000.
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Arun Kumar Paper:
Tireth Mehta Paper:
Geoffrey H. Kuenning, Gerald J. Popek, Peter L. Reiher, An Analysis of Trace Data for Predictive File Caching in Mobile Computing, Proceedings 1994 USENIX Summer Conf., pages 291--303, June 1994.
Abhishek Sanwal Paper:
11/28/01; Speaker-Abhishek Sanwal; Topic- Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
All Papers Available Here.
Paper 1:
Y.B. Ko and N.H. Vaidya, "Location-aided routing (LAR) in mobile ad hoc networks",
Proc. MOBICOM, 1998, 66-75.
Paper 2:
David B. Johnson, "Routing in Ad Hoc Networks o fMobile Hosts",
Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, Dec. 1994.
Paper 3:
Todd D. Hodes, Randy H. Katz, Edouard Servan-Schreiber, and Lawrence Rowe,
Composable Ad Hoc Mobile Services for Universal Interaction"
In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE MobiCom, Budapest, Hungary, Sep 1997,
Paper 4:
R. D. Samir, C. Robert, Y. Jiangtao, and S. Rimli,
"Comparative performance evaluation of routing protocols for mobile, ad hoc networks"
in Proc. of IEEE the Seventh International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N '98), Oct. 1998.
Kala Bodige Paper:
Charles E. Perkins and Elizabeth M. Royer, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, LA, February 1999, pp. 90-100.
Aren Cambre Paper:
O. Wolfson, S. Chamberlain, S. Dao, L. Jiang, and G. Mendez. Cost and Imprecision in Modeling the Position of Moving Objects. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 98), 1998.
Jahanzeb Faizan Paper:
Mark Fontenot Paper:
Gruenwald, L. and S. Banik, "A Power-Aware Technique to Manage Real-Time Database Transactions in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks", 4th International Workshop on Mobility in Database and Distributed Systems, part of the International Conference on Database and EXpert systems Applications (DEXA), September 2001.
Rachit Gupta Paper:
Arun Kumar Paper:
Saurabh Mehta Paper:
Tirath Mehta Paper:
C.E. Perkins, Mobile-IP, Ad-hoc networking, and Nomadicity, Proceedings of COMPSAC'96.