# This file has been generated using RevKit 1.1 (www.revkit.org) # Command Line: # ./tools/bdd_synthesis.py --filename plus63mod4096_79.pla --realname plus63mod4096_79.real # Based on the approach proposed in R. Wille and R. Drechsler. BDD-based synthesis of reversible logic for large functions. In Design Automation Conf., pages 270-275, 2009. .version 2.0 .numvars 23 .variables x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18 x19 x20 x21 x22 .inputs a b c d e f g h i j k l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .outputs g g g g g g g g g g g l j i h g f e d c b a k .constants ------------00000000001 .garbage 11111111111------------ .begin t2 x10 x12 t3 x10 x11 x12 t2 x11 x12 t2 x9 x13 t3 x9 x12 x13 t2 x12 x13 t2 x8 x14 t3 x8 x13 x14 t2 x13 x14 t2 x7 x15 t3 x7 x14 x15 t2 x14 x15 t2 x6 x16 t3 x6 x15 x16 t2 x15 x16 t3 x5 x16 x17 t3 x4 x17 x18 t3 x3 x18 x19 t3 x2 x19 x20 t3 x1 x20 x21 t2 x0 x21 t1 x21 t2 x1 x20 t1 x20 t2 x2 x19 t1 x19 t2 x3 x18 t1 x18 t2 x4 x17 t1 x17 t2 x5 x16 t1 x16 t2 x6 x15 t1 x15 t2 x7 x14 t1 x14 t2 x8 x13 t1 x13 t2 x9 x12 t1 x12 t2 x10 x22 t2 x11 x22 t1 x21 t1 x20 t1 x19 t1 x18 t1 x17 t1 x16 t1 x11 .end