Texas Rangers Playoff Clinch Scenario Texas does not have a playoff clinch number. Here are the final standings in a scenario in which Texas wins all 0 of their remaining games (78 total) but does not but does not make the playoffs. East Team W L PCT New York 94 68 0.580 Baltimore 91 71 0.562 Boston 81 81 0.500 Tampa Bay 80 82 0.494 Toronto 74 88 0.457 Central Team W L PCT Cleveland 93 69 0.574 Kansas City 86 76 0.531 Detroit 86 76 0.531 Minnesota 82 80 0.506 Chicago 41 121 0.253 West Team W L PCT Houston 88 74 0.543 Seattle 85 77 0.525 Texas 78 84 0.481 Oakland 69 93 0.426 Los Angeles 63 99 0.389 Here are the playoff teams in the scenario: Team W L PCT 1) Cleveland 93 69 0.574 ALC division winnner 2) Houston 88 74 0.543 ALW division winnner 3) New York 94 68 0.580 ALE division winnner 4) Baltimore 91 71 0.562 5) Kansas City 86 76 0.531 6) Detroit 86 76 0.531 Playoff Tiebreakers: Kansas City wins the season series with Detroit 7 games to 6. To construct the scenario, we start with the current standings: East Team W L GL PCT GB New York 94 68 0 0.580 0.0 Baltimore 91 71 0 0.562 3.0 Boston 81 81 0 0.500 13.0 Tampa Bay 80 82 0 0.494 14.0 Toronto 74 88 0 0.457 20.0 Central Team W L GL PCT GB Cleveland 92 69 1 0.571 0.0 Detroit 86 76 0 0.531 6.5 Kansas City 86 76 0 0.531 6.5 Minnesota 82 80 0 0.506 10.5 Chicago 41 121 0 0.253 51.5 West Team W L GL PCT GB Houston 88 73 1 0.547 0.0 Seattle 85 77 0 0.525 3.5 Texas 78 84 0 0.481 10.5 Oakland 69 93 0 0.426 19.5 Los Angeles 63 99 0 0.389 25.5 Next, we show how the remaining series of intraleague games plays out in the scenario: Baltimore currently has 8 win(s) against Boston and 5 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 8 games to 5. Baltimore currently has 6 win(s) against Chicago and 1 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 6 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 3 win(s) against Cleveland and 4 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 4 games to 3. Baltimore currently has 2 win(s) against Detroit and 4 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 4 games to 2. Baltimore currently has 2 win(s) against Houston and 5 loss(es). Houston wins the series 5 games to 2. Baltimore currently has 4 win(s) against Kansas City and 2 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 4 games to 2. Baltimore currently has 4 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 4 games to 2. Baltimore currently has 6 win(s) against Minnesota and 0 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 6 games to 0. Baltimore currently has 8 win(s) against New York and 5 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 8 games to 5. Baltimore currently has 3 win(s) against Oakland and 3 loss(es). Baltimore and Oakland tie the series 3 games to 3. Baltimore currently has 4 win(s) against Seattle and 2 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 4 games to 2. Baltimore currently has 9 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 4 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 9 games to 4. Baltimore currently has 5 win(s) against Texas and 2 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 5 games to 2. Baltimore currently has 7 win(s) against Toronto and 6 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 7 games to 6. Boston currently has 4 win(s) against Chicago and 3 loss(es). Boston wins the series 4 games to 3. Boston currently has 2 win(s) against Cleveland and 5 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 5 games to 2. Boston currently has 3 win(s) against Detroit and 4 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 4 games to 3. Boston currently has 2 win(s) against Houston and 4 loss(es). Houston wins the series 4 games to 2. Boston currently has 4 win(s) against Kansas City and 2 loss(es). Boston wins the series 4 games to 2. Boston currently has 4 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Boston wins the series 4 games to 2. Boston currently has 3 win(s) against Minnesota and 3 loss(es). Boston and Minnesota tie the series 3 games to 3. Boston currently has 6 win(s) against New York and 7 loss(es). New York wins the series 7 games to 6. Boston currently has 5 win(s) against Oakland and 1 loss(es). Boston wins the series 5 games to 1. Boston currently has 4 win(s) against Seattle and 3 loss(es). Boston wins the series 4 games to 3. Boston currently has 6 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 7 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 7 games to 6. Boston currently has 4 win(s) against Texas and 2 loss(es). Boston wins the series 4 games to 2. Boston currently has 8 win(s) against Toronto and 5 loss(es). Boston wins the series 8 games to 5. Chicago currently has 5 win(s) against Cleveland and 8 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 8 games to 5. Chicago currently has 3 win(s) against Detroit and 10 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 10 games to 3. Chicago currently has 2 win(s) against Houston and 4 loss(es). Houston wins the series 4 games to 2. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against Kansas City and 12 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 12 games to 1. Chicago currently has 4 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 4 games to 2. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against Minnesota and 12 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 12 games to 1. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against New York and 5 loss(es). New York wins the series 5 games to 1. Chicago currently has 3 win(s) against Oakland and 3 loss(es). Chicago and Oakland tie the series 3 games to 3. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against Seattle and 6 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 6 games to 1. Chicago currently has 4 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 4 games to 2. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against Texas and 7 loss(es). Texas wins the series 7 games to 0. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against Toronto and 5 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 5 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 7 win(s) against Detroit and 6 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 7 games to 6. Cleveland currently has 1 win(s) against Houston and 4 loss(es). Cleveland wins 1 additional games against Houston and loses 0. Houston wins the series 4 games to 2. Cleveland currently has 5 win(s) against Kansas City and 8 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 8 games to 5. Cleveland currently has 5 win(s) against Los Angeles and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 5 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 10 win(s) against Minnesota and 3 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 10 games to 3. Cleveland currently has 2 win(s) against New York and 4 loss(es). New York wins the series 4 games to 2. Cleveland currently has 6 win(s) against Oakland and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 6 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 4 win(s) against Seattle and 2 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 4 games to 2. Cleveland currently has 3 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 4 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 4 games to 3. Cleveland currently has 4 win(s) against Texas and 2 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 4 games to 2. Cleveland currently has 4 win(s) against Toronto and 2 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 4 games to 2. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against Houston and 4 loss(es). Houston wins the series 4 games to 2. Detroit currently has 6 win(s) against Kansas City and 7 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 7 games to 6. Detroit currently has 3 win(s) against Los Angeles and 4 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 4 games to 3. Detroit currently has 6 win(s) against Minnesota and 7 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 7 games to 6. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against New York and 4 loss(es). New York wins the series 4 games to 2. Detroit currently has 3 win(s) against Oakland and 3 loss(es). Detroit and Oakland tie the series 3 games to 3. Detroit currently has 5 win(s) against Seattle and 1 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 5 games to 1. Detroit currently has 5 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 1 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 5 games to 1. Detroit currently has 3 win(s) against Texas and 4 loss(es). Texas wins the series 4 games to 3. Detroit currently has 5 win(s) against Toronto and 2 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 5 games to 2. Houston currently has 4 win(s) against Kansas City and 3 loss(es). Houston wins the series 4 games to 3. Houston currently has 9 win(s) against Los Angeles and 4 loss(es). Houston wins the series 9 games to 4. Houston currently has 2 win(s) against Minnesota and 4 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 4 games to 2. Houston currently has 1 win(s) against New York and 6 loss(es). New York wins the series 6 games to 1. Houston currently has 8 win(s) against Oakland and 5 loss(es). Houston wins the series 8 games to 5. Houston currently has 5 win(s) against Seattle and 8 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 8 games to 5. Houston currently has 4 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 2 loss(es). Houston wins the series 4 games to 2. Houston currently has 7 win(s) against Texas and 6 loss(es). Houston wins the series 7 games to 6. Houston currently has 5 win(s) against Toronto and 2 loss(es). Houston wins the series 5 games to 2. Kansas City currently has 5 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 5 games to 2. Kansas City currently has 6 win(s) against Minnesota and 7 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 7 games to 6. Kansas City currently has 2 win(s) against New York and 5 loss(es). New York wins the series 5 games to 2. Kansas City currently has 4 win(s) against Oakland and 2 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 4 games to 2. Kansas City currently has 3 win(s) against Seattle and 3 loss(es). Kansas City and Seattle tie the series 3 games to 3. Kansas City currently has 3 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 3 loss(es). Kansas City and Tampa Bay tie the series 3 games to 3. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against Texas and 5 loss(es). Texas wins the series 5 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 5 win(s) against Toronto and 2 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 5 games to 2. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Minnesota and 5 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 5 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 3 win(s) against New York and 3 loss(es). Los Angeles and New York tie the series 3 games to 3. Los Angeles currently has 5 win(s) against Oakland and 8 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 8 games to 5. Los Angeles currently has 8 win(s) against Seattle and 5 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 8 games to 5. Los Angeles currently has 3 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 4 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 4 games to 3. Los Angeles currently has 4 win(s) against Texas and 9 loss(es). Texas wins the series 9 games to 4. Los Angeles currently has 0 win(s) against Toronto and 7 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 7 games to 0. Minnesota currently has 0 win(s) against New York and 6 loss(es). New York wins the series 6 games to 0. Minnesota currently has 6 win(s) against Oakland and 1 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 6 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 5 win(s) against Seattle and 2 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 5 games to 2. Minnesota currently has 3 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 4 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 4 games to 3. Minnesota currently has 5 win(s) against Texas and 2 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 5 games to 2. Minnesota currently has 4 win(s) against Toronto and 2 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 4 games to 2. New York currently has 5 win(s) against Oakland and 2 loss(es). New York wins the series 5 games to 2. New York currently has 4 win(s) against Seattle and 3 loss(es). New York wins the series 4 games to 3. New York currently has 7 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 6 loss(es). New York wins the series 7 games to 6. New York currently has 3 win(s) against Texas and 3 loss(es). New York and Texas tie the series 3 games to 3. New York currently has 7 win(s) against Toronto and 6 loss(es). New York wins the series 7 games to 6. Oakland currently has 4 win(s) against Seattle and 9 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 9 games to 4. Oakland currently has 3 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 4 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 4 games to 3. Oakland currently has 6 win(s) against Texas and 7 loss(es). Texas wins the series 7 games to 6. Oakland currently has 3 win(s) against Toronto and 3 loss(es). Oakland and Toronto tie the series 3 games to 3. Seattle currently has 3 win(s) against Tampa Bay and 3 loss(es). Seattle and Tampa Bay tie the series 3 games to 3. Seattle currently has 10 win(s) against Texas and 3 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 10 games to 3. Seattle currently has 2 win(s) against Toronto and 4 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 4 games to 2. Tampa Bay currently has 1 win(s) against Texas and 5 loss(es). Texas wins the series 5 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 9 win(s) against Toronto and 4 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 9 games to 4. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Toronto and 4 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 4 games to 2. Now, we show how the remaining series of interleague games play out in the scenario: Baltimore currently has 2 win(s) against Arizona and 1 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 2 win(s) against Atlanta and 1 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 0 win(s) against Chicago and 3 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 3 games to 0. Baltimore currently has 3 win(s) against Cincinnati and 0 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 3 games to 0. Baltimore currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 1 win(s) against Miami and 2 loss(es). Miami wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 1 win(s) against New York and 2 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 2 win(s) against Philadelphia and 1 loss(es). Baltimore wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 1 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 2 loss(es). Pittsburgh wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 1 win(s) against San Francisco and 2 loss(es). San Francisco wins the series 2 games to 1. Baltimore currently has 0 win(s) against St. Louis and 3 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 3 games to 0. Baltimore currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 2 loss(es). Baltimore and Washington tie the series 2 games to 2. Boston currently has 0 win(s) against Arizona and 3 loss(es). Arizona wins the series 3 games to 0. Boston currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 3 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 3 games to 1. Boston currently has 2 win(s) against Chicago and 1 loss(es). Boston wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 2 win(s) against Cincinnati and 1 loss(es). Boston wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 1 win(s) against Colorado and 2 loss(es). Colorado wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 0 win(s) against Los Angeles and 3 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 3 games to 0. Boston currently has 3 win(s) against Miami and 0 loss(es). Boston wins the series 3 games to 0. Boston currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 0 win(s) against New York and 3 loss(es). New York wins the series 3 games to 0. Boston currently has 2 win(s) against Philadelphia and 1 loss(es). Boston wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 3 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 0 loss(es). Boston wins the series 3 games to 0. Boston currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 2 win(s) against San Francisco and 1 loss(es). Boston wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. Boston currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 1 loss(es). Boston wins the series 2 games to 1. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against Arizona and 2 loss(es). Arizona wins the series 2 games to 1. Chicago currently has 2 win(s) against Atlanta and 1 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against Chicago and 4 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 4 games to 0. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against Cincinnati and 3 loss(es). Cincinnati wins the series 3 games to 0. Chicago currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against Los Angeles and 3 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 3 games to 0. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against Miami and 2 loss(es). Miami wins the series 2 games to 1. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against Milwaukee and 3 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 3 games to 0. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against New York and 3 loss(es). New York wins the series 3 games to 0. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against Philadelphia and 3 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 3 games to 0. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 3 loss(es). Pittsburgh wins the series 3 games to 0. Chicago currently has 0 win(s) against San Diego and 3 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 3 games to 0. Chicago currently has 1 win(s) against San Francisco and 2 loss(es). San Francisco wins the series 2 games to 1. Chicago currently has 2 win(s) against St. Louis and 1 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Chicago currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 1 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 0 win(s) against Arizona and 3 loss(es). Arizona wins the series 3 games to 0. Cleveland currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 3 win(s) against Chicago and 0 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 3 games to 0. Cleveland currently has 3 win(s) against Cincinnati and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 3 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 1 win(s) against Colorado and 2 loss(es). Colorado wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 2 win(s) against Miami and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 0 win(s) against Milwaukee and 3 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 3 games to 0. Cleveland currently has 3 win(s) against New York and 0 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 3 games to 0. Cleveland currently has 2 win(s) against Philadelphia and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 2 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 2 win(s) against San Francisco and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. Cleveland currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 1 loss(es). Cleveland wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against Arizona and 1 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 0 win(s) against Atlanta and 3 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 3 games to 0. Detroit currently has 1 win(s) against Chicago and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 3 win(s) against Cincinnati and 0 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 3 games to 0. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against Los Angeles and 1 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 1 win(s) against Miami and 2 loss(es). Miami wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against New York and 1 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 1 win(s) against Philadelphia and 2 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 2 loss(es). Detroit and Pittsburgh tie the series 2 games to 2. Detroit currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 1 win(s) against San Francisco and 2 loss(es). San Francisco wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 2 win(s) against St. Louis and 1 loss(es). Detroit wins the series 2 games to 1. Detroit currently has 1 win(s) against Washington and 2 loss(es). Washington wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 2 win(s) against Arizona and 1 loss(es). Houston wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 0 win(s) against Atlanta and 3 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 3 games to 0. Houston currently has 0 win(s) against Chicago and 3 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 3 games to 0. Houston currently has 0 win(s) against Cincinnati and 3 loss(es). Cincinnati wins the series 3 games to 0. Houston currently has 4 win(s) against Colorado and 0 loss(es). Houston wins the series 4 games to 0. Houston currently has 2 win(s) against Los Angeles and 1 loss(es). Houston wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 3 win(s) against Miami and 0 loss(es). Houston wins the series 3 games to 0. Houston currently has 2 win(s) against Milwaukee and 1 loss(es). Houston wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 2 win(s) against New York and 1 loss(es). Houston wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 1 win(s) against Philadelphia and 2 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 1 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 2 loss(es). Pittsburgh wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 1 win(s) against San Francisco and 2 loss(es). San Francisco wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 2 win(s) against St. Louis and 1 loss(es). Houston wins the series 2 games to 1. Houston currently has 1 win(s) against Washington and 2 loss(es). Washington wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against Arizona and 2 loss(es). Arizona wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against Chicago and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 3 win(s) against Cincinnati and 0 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 3 games to 0. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against Colorado and 2 loss(es). Colorado wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 2 win(s) against Miami and 1 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 2 win(s) against Milwaukee and 1 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against New York and 2 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against Philadelphia and 2 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 2 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 1 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 0 win(s) against San Francisco and 3 loss(es). San Francisco wins the series 3 games to 0. Kansas City currently has 3 win(s) against St. Louis and 1 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 3 games to 1. Kansas City currently has 3 win(s) against Washington and 0 loss(es). Kansas City wins the series 3 games to 0. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Arizona and 2 loss(es). Arizona wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Chicago and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 0 win(s) against Cincinnati and 3 loss(es). Cincinnati wins the series 3 games to 0. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Colorado and 2 loss(es). Colorado wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 2 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles and Los Angeles tie the series 2 games to 2. Los Angeles currently has 3 win(s) against Miami and 0 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 3 games to 0. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 2 win(s) against New York and 1 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Philadelphia and 2 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 2 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 1 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 3 win(s) against San Diego and 0 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 3 games to 0. Los Angeles currently has 2 win(s) against San Francisco and 1 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. Los Angeles currently has 1 win(s) against Washington and 2 loss(es). Washington wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 2 win(s) against Arizona and 1 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 0 win(s) against Atlanta and 3 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 3 games to 0. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against Chicago and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against Cincinnati and 2 loss(es). Cincinnati wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against Miami and 2 loss(es). Miami wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 3 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 3 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against New York and 2 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 2 win(s) against Philadelphia and 1 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 2 loss(es). Pittsburgh wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against San Francisco and 2 loss(es). San Francisco wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. Minnesota currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 1 loss(es). Minnesota wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 2 win(s) against Arizona and 1 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 2 win(s) against Chicago and 1 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 0 win(s) against Cincinnati and 3 loss(es). Cincinnati wins the series 3 games to 0. New York currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 2 win(s) against Miami and 1 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 2 win(s) against Milwaukee and 1 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 0 win(s) against New York and 4 loss(es). New York wins the series 4 games to 0. New York currently has 3 win(s) against Philadelphia and 0 loss(es). New York wins the series 3 games to 0. New York currently has 1 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 2 loss(es). Pittsburgh wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 2 win(s) against San Diego and 1 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 3 win(s) against San Francisco and 0 loss(es). New York wins the series 3 games to 0. New York currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. New York currently has 1 win(s) against Washington and 2 loss(es). Washington wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 1 win(s) against Arizona and 2 loss(es). Arizona wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against Chicago and 1 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against Cincinnati and 1 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against Miami and 1 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against New York and 1 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against Philadelphia and 1 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 3 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 0 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 3 games to 0. Oakland currently has 0 win(s) against San Diego and 3 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 3 games to 0. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against San Francisco and 2 loss(es). Oakland and San Francisco tie the series 2 games to 2. Oakland currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. Oakland currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 1 loss(es). Oakland wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 2 win(s) against Arizona and 1 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 2 win(s) against Atlanta and 1 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 1 win(s) against Chicago and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 3 win(s) against Cincinnati and 0 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 3 games to 0. Seattle currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 0 win(s) against Los Angeles and 3 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 3 games to 0. Seattle currently has 1 win(s) against Miami and 2 loss(es). Miami wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 3 win(s) against New York and 0 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 3 games to 0. Seattle currently has 2 win(s) against Philadelphia and 1 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 1 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 2 loss(es). Pittsburgh wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 3 win(s) against San Diego and 1 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 3 games to 1. Seattle currently has 2 win(s) against San Francisco and 1 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 2 win(s) against St. Louis and 1 loss(es). Seattle wins the series 2 games to 1. Seattle currently has 1 win(s) against Washington and 2 loss(es). Washington wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 3 win(s) against Arizona and 0 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 3 games to 0. Tampa Bay currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 2 win(s) against Chicago and 1 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 2 win(s) against Cincinnati and 1 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 3 win(s) against Miami and 1 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 3 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 3 win(s) against New York and 0 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 3 games to 0. Tampa Bay currently has 0 win(s) against Philadelphia and 3 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 3 games to 0. Tampa Bay currently has 2 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 1 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 2 win(s) against San Francisco and 1 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. Tampa Bay currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 1 loss(es). Tampa Bay wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Arizona and 2 loss(es). Texas and Arizona tie the series 2 games to 2. Texas currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Chicago and 1 loss(es). Texas wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Cincinnati and 1 loss(es). Texas wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 0 win(s) against Colorado and 3 loss(es). Colorado wins the series 3 games to 0. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Los Angeles and 1 loss(es). Texas wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Miami and 1 loss(es). Texas wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 0 win(s) against Milwaukee and 3 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 3 games to 0. Texas currently has 1 win(s) against New York and 2 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 0 win(s) against Philadelphia and 3 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 3 games to 0. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 1 loss(es). Texas wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 1 win(s) against San Diego and 2 loss(es). San Diego wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 1 win(s) against San Francisco and 2 loss(es). San Francisco wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 1 win(s) against St. Louis and 2 loss(es). St. Louis wins the series 2 games to 1. Texas currently has 2 win(s) against Washington and 1 loss(es). Texas wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Arizona and 2 loss(es). Arizona wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Atlanta and 2 loss(es). Atlanta wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Chicago and 2 loss(es). Chicago wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Cincinnati and 2 loss(es). Cincinnati wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 2 win(s) against Colorado and 1 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Los Angeles and 2 loss(es). Los Angeles wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 0 win(s) against Miami and 3 loss(es). Miami wins the series 3 games to 0. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Milwaukee and 2 loss(es). Milwaukee wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against New York and 2 loss(es). New York wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Philadelphia and 3 loss(es). Philadelphia wins the series 3 games to 1. Toronto currently has 2 win(s) against Pittsburgh and 1 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 2 win(s) against San Diego and 1 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 2 win(s) against San Francisco and 1 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 2 games to 1. Toronto currently has 3 win(s) against St. Louis and 0 loss(es). Toronto wins the series 3 games to 0. Toronto currently has 1 win(s) against Washington and 2 loss(es). Washington wins the series 2 games to 1. # Texas Rangers' magic number # Texas's magic number # Rangers' magic number # MLB Playoff Race