CS 5/7312 (Fall, 2023): Homework #3

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu)

Part 1: Discussion Questions

  1. One view of the development/evolution of UI towards more "naturalistic" ones is the progression from 1D strings associated with CLI, then 2D graphical displays associated with DM/GUI, to 3D and multi-media UI that may encompass tele-operation/presence and/or AR/VR. Discuss the role that the DM principles played in this process, and map them to the different UIs in the process.
  2. In the above process of UI evolution/development, can menus and forms be used to solve some UI design problems to enhance the usability of some specific UIs? Try to give a couple of concrete examples to illustrate your answer.

Part 2: UI Design and Evaluation

You may choose to work with the system you selected for hw#1 or hw#2 before, or pick a different system. Now perform the following for this system:

  1. Discuss if AR/VR is a part of your system. If so, how AR/VR fits into the system and other IS. If not, discuss the possibility of adding AR/VR elements/features to your system and their relation to other IS.
  2. Select a design framework and related techniques and carry out some (high/medium-level) design for this AR/VR system. You need to show some prototypes or sketches for your design, paying particular attention to how DM principles are followed/implemented in your design decisions.
  3. Select one or two evaluation techniques for this AR/VR system, and produce a detailed evaluation plan.

Due Date:

Oct. 19, 2023.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu).
Posted: Oct. 13, 2023. Last update: Oct. 13, 2023.

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