CSE 7314/5314 (Spring 2002): Additional Papers and References

Papers about QA and Testing -- Related to Modules I

  1. B. Kitchenham and S. L. Pfleeger. "Software quality: The elusive target." IEEE Software, 13(1):12--21, Jan. 1996.
  2. C.K. Prahalad and M.S. Krishnan "The new meaning of quality in the information age." Harvard Bus. Rev., 77(5):109-118, Sep. 1999.
  3. J.A. Whittaker, "Software's Invisible Users", IEEE Software, 18(3):84-88, May, 2001.
  4. E.P.W.M. van Veenendaal, "Practical Quality Assurance for Embedded Software", Software Quality Professional, 1(3):7-18, Jun., 1999.
  5. T. Shepard, M. Lamb and D. Kelly, "More Testing Should Be Taught", Communications of the ACM, 44(6):103-108, June, 2001.

Papers about QA Alternatives -- Related to Modules II

  1. T. Gilb, "Planning to Get the Most out of Inspection", Software Quality Professional, 2(2):7-19, Mar., 2000.
  2. A. Porter, H. Siy and L.G. Votta, "A Review of Software Inspections", in Advances in Computers, Vol.42, pages 39-76, Academic Press, 1996.
  3. M.V. Zelkowitz, "Role of Verification in the Software Specification Process, in Advances in Computers, Vol.36, pages 43-109, Academic Press, 1993.
  4. S. King, J. Hammond, R. Chapman and A. Pryor, "Is Proof More Cost-Effective Than Testing", IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 26(8):675-686, Aug., 2000.

Papers about Statistical Testing -- Related to Module V

The contents of the following papers (together with papers on defect/reliability analysis listed in the next section) roughly correspond to the part of our textbook by Musa "Software Reliability Engineering" that we are going to cover in class. So, they can possibly be used as as a substitute for the Musa book. Notice that these are not a very good textbook substitute, without much of a connection or transition among different papers. However, you can save some money by paying more in your searching/reading effort.
  1. J. D. Musa, "More Reliable, Faster, Cheaper Testing with Software Reliability Engineering", Software Quality Professional, 1(1):27-37, Dec., 1998.
  2. J. D. Musa, "Operational profile in software reliability engineering", IEEE Software 10(2):14-42, Mar., 1993.
  3. J. A. Whittaker and M. G. Thomason. "A Markov chain model for statistical software testing", IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 20(10):812--824, Oct. 1994.

Papers about Defect/Reliability Analysis -- Related to Modules VI

  1. B. Boehm and V.R. Basili, "Software Defect Reduction Top 10 List", IEEE Computer, 34(1):135-137, Jan., 2001,
  2. R. Chillarege, I. S. Bhandari, J. K. Chaar, M. J. Halliday, D. S. Moebus, B. K. Ray, and M-Y. Wong, "Orthogonal Defect Classification -- A Concept for In-Process Measurements", IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 18(11):943-956, Nov., 1992.
  3. J. D. Musa and W. W. Everett, "Software-Reliability Engineering: Technology for the 1990s" IEEE Software 7(6):36-43, Nov., 1990.
  4. J. Tian. "Reliability measurement, analysis, and improvement for large software systems", in Advances in Computers, Vol.46, Chapter 4, pages 159--235. Academic Press, 1998.
  5. J. Tian, "Measurement and Continuous Improvement of Software Reliability throughout Software Life-cycle", Journal of Systems and Software, 47(2-3):189-195, July, 1999.

Other Useful References/Books

  1. Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques, 2nd edition", International Thomson Computer Press, 1990.
    A classic on software testing techniques, in-depth discussions.

  2. M. Lyu, editor, "Software Fault Tolerance", John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
    In-depth discussion about software fault tolerance, by selected experts in the area.

  3. Michael R. Lyu, editor, "Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering", McGraw-Hill, 1995.
    Besides general coverage on software reliability engineering, this books also include issues such as defect analysis (ODC chapter by Chillarege), metrics for reliability, operational profile (Chapter by Musa) and statistical testing, etc.

  4. J. D. Musa, A. Iannino and K. Okumoto, "Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application", McGraw-Hill, 1987.
    A classic in software reliability engineering. There are two editions, original (1987) and professional (1990). The student should get the original edition for in-depth mathematics used in reliability models.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu). Last update Jan. 16, 2002.

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