CSE 7314/5314 (Spring 2005): Additional Books/References

Other Useful Books

The following books might be good additional reading if you want to explore further, or in more depth, the topics covered in our main textbook. I try to provide some general comments to related each to our class or the main textbook.
  1. Boris Beizer, "Software Testing Techniques, 2nd edition", International Thomson Computer Press, 1990.
    A classic on software testing techniques, suitable for in-depth discussions of specific testing models and related techniques. Most relevant to various coverage-based testing topics.

  2. Rex Black, "Critical Testing Processes" Addison-Wesley, 2004,
    More of an operational/managerial perspective on testing, breaking down testing into four major steps (4Ps: plan/prepare/perform/perfect). Works well in combination with our main textbook.

  3. Michael R. Lyu, editor, "Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering", McGraw-Hill, 1995.
    Besides general coverage on software reliability engineering, this books also include issues such as defect analysis (ODC chapter by Chillarege), metrics for reliability, operational profile (Chapter by Musa) and usage-based statistical testing, etc.

  4. John Musa, "Software Reliability Engineering", McGraw-Hill, 1998.
    The original title "Software Reliability Engineered Testing" tells you more about this book: A book on statistical testing with Musa's operational profiles as the usage models to achieve reliability goals. Most relevant to our usage-based statistical testing topics.

  5. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Les Hatton and Charles C. Howell, "Solid Software", Prentice-Hall, 2004
    The topics covered resemble those in this class, but from the perspective of safety-critical systems point of view, i.e., quality assurance for safety-critical systems.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu). Initially posted on Jan. 10, 2005.

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