CSE 5314/7314 (Fall, 2008): Homework #1

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)

Part 1

(Required work for graduate students only.)

Option A: Review the quality assurance/testing situation in your company or your former company), and write a short essay to summarize the current practice, analyze its strength and weakness areas, and discuss possible improvements based on overview of QA activities we discussed in class so far and in Part I (and some chapters in Part III) of our textbook.
(This is probably more appropriate for software professionals. However, if you don't feel comfortable discussing the practices at your company, you may choose the second option below.)

Option B: If you do not have too much to report in the "practice" part, or if you don't feel comfortable discussing the QA practice at your current/former company, you can select a chapter from Ch.13-16, or related papers or book chapters on similar topics as Ch.13-16, and write a summary of the chapter/paper. See the online list of related books for additional reference.
(This is probably more appropriate for full-time students.) You summary/essay should be around 2-3 double-spaced pages.

Part 2: Problems from our textbook

(Required work for all students.)

Problems 1.3, 2.4.

Due Date:

9/16/08 for on-campus students and 9/18/08 for video students.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu).
Posted: Sept. 9, 2008.

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