CS 7314 (Spring 2021): Homework #2

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)


  1. Outline some strategies and related steps to make ad-hoc testing or checklist-based testing into formal/systematic testing.
    (Well, this may be closely related to your course project. You may also want to refer to some of the project related description/discussions.)
  2. Test automation related discussion: Problem 7.8 to 7.11 (choose one).
  3. Problem 8.4 or 8.5 (choose one).
  4. Extension to 8.4 or 8.5: enhance your model to do UBST and discuss how to collect the necessary information/data
  5. Suppose that you are involved in developing a computer game that involves some spatial/temporal boundaries, e.g., baseball, basketball, gymnastics, etc., involving inbound vs outbound, different zones (ball vs strike, home run vs in-field hit, 2 vs 3 points, etc.), different time-limits, etc. Pick a (physical, non-virtual) game you are familiar with, state the boundary rules as requirements for the computer game, and build boundary testing models and test cases.
    You are not required to include all the rules. Just a few to make meaningful boundary testing would be sufficient.

Due Date

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu).
Initially posted: Jan. 21, 2021. Last update: Jan. 21, 2021.

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