In 14.3 c, we are asked to calculate the total sek time for each schedule. We have the formula from 14.3 b i.e seek time (t) = 0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (L) Here L is the seek distance in cylinders. Now for total seek time(T) would be = t1 + t2 + t3 ....+ tn For FCFS Schedule: 143,86,1470,913,1774,948,1509,1022,1750,130 The total distance = (143-86) + (1470-86) +(1470 -913) + (1774 -913) +(1774 -948) + (1509 -1022) + (1750-1022 ) +(1750-130) = 57 + 1384 +557 +861 + 826 + 561 + 487 + 728 + 1620 Lt = 7081 cylinders Note here that this is the total distance travelled for all the requests. So when we are asked to find out the total seek time (T) of the schedule it would not be equal to just finding out seek time with cylinders 7081 rather it would be equal to sum of seek times with cylinders of each intermediate request. i.e T !=0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (7081) Correct answer is T= {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (57)} + {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (1384)}+ {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (557)}+ {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (861)} + {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (826)}+ {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (561)}+ {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (487)}+ {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (728)} + {0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (1620)} T=65.19 ms In the same manner you could calculate for other schedules. Many students gave the correct values but with the wrong formula , for example T=0.7561 + 0.2439 * sqrt (7081) = 65.19 ms and this is wrong if you calculate.