CSE 8314 (Fall, 2019): Homework #3

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)

Three parts: (part 1a or part 1b), part 2 and part 3.

Part 1-alternative 1a: Traditional Literature Research

Use the online resources for software engineering/quality literature as your guide, search (I suspect that the majority will be "search" online, see option 1b below) some journals/magazines/proceedings sources to find some articles on software metrics and and related applications and analyses/modeling, and do the following:

Some specifics about your literature sources:

Part 1-alternative 1b: Online Literature Research

If you prefer to do a online literature research, you should satisfy all the above requirements except for the following:

Part 2: Summary and critique

Select one of the papers from Part 1 above, write a short summary of the paper and a critical analysis. Your critique may include, but not limited to, intellectual merit of the work (originality, rigor, etc.), practicality and impact on future application and additional research, relevance to our class and to your work. You summary/analysis/critique should be around 3 or 4 double-spaced pages of text.

It is OK to link your hw#3 to your project, i.e., finding something useful to your project. You may even include a short discussion of the paper(s) in your project report, but not to the extent of this homework assignment.

Also, a few points to pay attention to:

Part 3: Presentation

You also need to prepare an individual study presentation of the paper you summarized/critiqued above. You can present it on the same day as your project presentation (particularly for distance students, to save an extra trip down to SMU campus), but if possible, try to present it earlier. Please let me know of your desired presentation date.

Due Date:

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu).
Posted: Oct. 30, 2019. Last update: Oct. 30, 2019.

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