CSE 8316 (Spring 2014) Syllabus

User Interface Design

Prof. Jeff Tian, CSE Dept., SMU, Dallas, TX 75275
Phone: (214)768-2861; Fax: (214)768-3085
E-mail: tian@lyle.smu.edu; Webpage: www.lyle.smu.edu/~tian/class/8316.14s

1. General Information and Course Contents

With the pervasive use of computers, software systems, and information technology in modern society by the massive and diverse user population, usability of such systems has taken on increased importance, making it one of the primary quality attributes for these users.

User interface design, evaluation, and improvement play a key role in achieving our goal of good usability for these users. In this course, we will cover related activities and techniques, including:

Workload and Grading

The course grade each student receives will reflect the weighted average of exams, homework assignments, and course project. The approximate weight assignment is as follows:

Homework and participation
Midterm Exam
Final Exam


Textbook and Other Information

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@lyle.smu.edu).
Posted: Jan. 23, 2014. Last update: Jan. 23, 2014.

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