CS 8316 (Fall, 2021): Homework #3

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu)

  1. Discuss the similarities and differences among DM, GUI, AR, and VR, with illustrations of each based on some UI designed/implemented using DM/GUI/AR/VR. If you are not familiar with some of such UI, you need to find some relevant papers/publications/documents to study and get familiar with them, and cite the referenced document in your answer.

  2. What are the similarities and differences between menus and forms? Describe some general situations, supported by at least a couple of specific examples, where menus or forms may be more appropriate than DM or CLI.

  3. Command language interface (CLI) is one of the oldest UI. On the other hand, in pursuit of universal usability, CLI can be enhanced in various different ways, leading to multi-lingo natural language interface (NLI). Research advances in AI in general, and in NLP (natural language processing) and MT (machine translation) in particular, have contributed to NLI capabilities and our goal of universal usability. Will the advance of NLI eliminate the need for CLI? What is its impact on universal usability? Are there any limitations with NLI? How would you evaluate the usability of CLI and NLI? You may want to research this topic a bit by reading a couple of recently published papers on this topic. If so, please cite the paper in your answer.

Due Date:


Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu).
Posted: Oct. 14, 2021. Last update: Oct. 14, 2021.

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