CS 8316 (Spring, 2021): Homework #4

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@lyle.smu.edu)

  1. (3 points) List the input and output devices appropriate for each of the 5 major interaction styles we covered in our class, and outline how they are used in supporting such interactions.

  2. (3 points) Since C&C (Communication and Collaboration) are among people, it can be considered HHI (human-human interaction). If that is the case, why are we studying C&C in our HCI/UCD class? How is it related to our usability goals? Can it further our goal of UU (universal usability)?

  3. (4 points) Can the interaction devices be used as usability measurement instruments/devices as well? If so, how? If not, what additional measurement instruments/devices can you suggest? In addition, construct your strategies to use these or other devices to measure/evaluate the usability of HHI systems.

Due Date:

4/20/21 for all students.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@lyle.smu.edu).
Posted: April 14, 2021. Last update: April 14, 2021.

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