CS 8316 (Spring, 2022): Homework #1

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)

  1. What is usability? Can your definition be generalized to other/non-software systems? In addition, discuss the similarities and differences between this generalized usability concept and the concept of universal usabilty.
  2. Can usability be quantified by a single number or a single numerical metric? If yes, which specific metric? If not, what are the different metrics? In addition, is usability uniquely determined by the "internal" characteristics of a product or system, such as its design and implementation details? If so, what determines usability? If not, what other factors also affects usability?
  3. Select a software, an application, a Web site, an online service, a smart device, a game, or anything with computer/software embedded in it, that you may interact with it as a user, and perform the following:

Due Date:


Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu).
Posted: Jan. 26, 2022. Last update: Jan. 26, 2022.

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