CS 8316 (Fall, 2023): Homework #2

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu)

Part 1: Discussion Questions

  1. Describe the concepts of UCD, PD, EO (ethnographica observations), and user surveys. How can each of them be used in the following development phases/activities: 1) requirements, 2) design, 3) evaluation? Please include sufficient details and/or examples.
  2. Among the many different evaluation techniques, expert review and usability testing are the most widely used. Why? Do you see any advantages of either or both of them over other evaluation techniques?

Part 2: UI Design and Evaluation

You may choose to work with the system you selected for hw#1 before, or pick a different system. Now perform the following for this system:

  1. Design a usability testing strategy to test/ensure the usability of this system.
  2. Define your usability metrics.
  3. Determine what data to collect and calculate the system usability based on these data. You can make up some sample data to illustrate your approach.
  4. If you are asked to redesign the system, what would be the different design methods (UCD/PD/etc.) and decisions (IS choice etc.)? Briefly justify yourself.

Due Date:


Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu).
Posted: Feb. 22, 2023. Last update: Feb. 22, 2023.

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