CS 8316 (Fall, 2022): Homework #3

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu)

Part 1: Discussion Questions

  1. Discuss the similarities and differences between DM and GUI, with illustrations of each based on some UI designed/implemented using DM or GUI. Also discuss their relationships to multi-sensory/multi-media UI (you may want to read some papers listed in topic cluster TC3 of our online list of interesting papers).
  2. What are the similarities and differences between menus and forms? Describe some general situations, supported by at least a couple of specific examples, where menus or forms may be more appropriate than DM or CLI. Can they result in better usability (menus/forms over DM/CLI)? And, can this difference be quantified using some specific usability metrics of your choice?

Part 2: UI Design and Evaluation

You may choose to work with the system you selected for hw#1 or hw#2 before, or pick a different system. Now perform the following for this system:

  1. Discuss if AR/VR is a part of your system. If so, how AR/VR fits into the system and other IS. If not, discuss the possibility of adding AR/VR elements/features to your system and their relation to other IS.
  2. Select a design framework and related techniques and carry out some high level design for this AR/VR system. You need to show some prototypes or sketches for your design.
  3. Select one or two evaluation techniques for this AR/VR system, and produce a detailed evaluation plan similar to what you did in hw#2 (u.test part).

Due Date:

March 21, 2023.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu).
Posted: March 8, 2023. Last update: March 8, 2023.

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