CS 8316 (Fall, 2022): Homework #4

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu)

  1. What is the relationship between interaction styles (I.S.) and interaction devices (I.D.)? For each of the 5 I.S. we covered in class, list at least a couple of I.D. In addition, when should the decisions about I.D. be made in the UID process? Why?

  2. What is the usability of an I.D., as comparing to the usability of a system and its UI? How would you measure it? What kind of data are needed and how would you collect them? What would you do when an I.D. is used in different systems with different I.S. and different tasks?

  3. What is the usability of a system that supports C&C (Communication and Collaboration)? How would you measure it? What kind of data are needed and how would you collect them? Compare your usability definition and measurement for C&C vs that for I.D. above.

  4. Consider the UID process for developing a system for C&C, what would you do differently as compared to other systems/UI. Can MoCA be integrated into its UID process? If so, how? If not, why not?

Due Date:


Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@smu.edu).
Posted: April 12, 2023. Last update: April 12, 2023.

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