CSE 8317 (Fall, 2008): Homework Assignments

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)

Assignment #A: Background/Literature Research

Assignment#A-part 1: Literature Research

Use the online resources for software engineering/quality literature as your guide, search (I suspect that the majority will be "search" online, see my recommendations on this below) some journals/magazines/proceedings/online sources to find some articles on software reliability/safety and related defect/risk/quality analysis, and do the following:

Some specifics about your literature sources:

Assignment#A-part 2: Background Research on Analysis Techniques

Use Tian/SQE Part IV chapters and related references as your guide, find an article or a book to help you understand better some of the following topics:

Write a short summary of the paper/chapter, and discuss its relevance to our class and to your work (total length not to exceed 2 pages).

If you find the paper/chapter interesting and useful, you might want to prepare a presentation as your individual study presentation for the class on 8/23/08. In that case, please let me know before class time (the earlier, the better).

Due Date for hw#A: 8/23/08

Assignments #R and #S

You might want to tie your hw#R and/or hw#S to your course project. In that case, if you choose an SRE-related project, you might want to do hw#R first; otherwise, you might want to do hw#S first.

1st due date: 9/6/08 for one of (hw#R or hw#S)
2nd due date: 9/20/08 for the other

Assignment #R: Paper Summary/Critique

Select one paper about software reliability from homework #1 or from other sources (you might want to do some additional literature research for this assignment, based on what we have covered up to this point in class) and write a short summary, analysis, and critique. You summary/analysis/critique should be around 3 or 4 double-spaced pages of text. Pay special attention to its relevance to CSE 8317 and to your work. Some specifics about this assignment are listed below:

Due Date for hw#R: 9/6/08 or 9/20/08 (See above)

Assignment #S: Paper Summary/Critique

Repeat assignment #R for a software safety related paper.

Due Date for hw#S: 9/6/08 or 9/20/08 (See above)

Assignment #4: Preparing for the Final Quiz

In preparation for the final quiz, as well as to review and summarize the course material for your own learning, I suggest the following questions:

Due Date for hw#4: (None, but see note below.)

Nothing need to be turned in for this homework. However, for your own benefit, you should try to finished it before our last class on 10/6/08 (10/20/08?), when some of these problems will be briefly discussed/reviewed as part of the review for the final quiz.

Alternatively, you can treat hw#4 as an on-going self-evaluation assignment, and finish the questions as we go along throughout the semester when relevant topics are discussed in class.

Individual Study Presentation

Notice: You may choose either of the above papers for hw#2 and hw#3 or the background article/chapter for hw#1 for your full individual study presentation.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu).
Posted: Aug. 8, 2008. Last update: Sept. 4, 2008.

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