CSE 8317 (Spring, 2011): Homework Assignments

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)

Assignment #A: Background/Literature Research

Two parts: (part 1a or part 1b) and part 2

Assignment#A-part 1-alternative 1a: Traditional Literature Research

Use the online resources for software engineering/quality literature as your guide, search (I suspect that the majority will be "search" online, see option 1b below) some journals/magazines/proceedings sources to find some articles on software reliability/safety and related defect/risk/quality analysis, and do the following:

Some specifics about your literature sources:

Assignment#A-part 1-alternative 1b: Online Literature Research

If you prefer to do a online literature research, you should satisfy all the above requirements except for the following:

Assignment#A-part 2: Background Research on Analysis Techniques

Use Tian/SQE Part IV chapters and related references as your guide, find an article or a book to help you understand better some of the following topics:

Write a short summary of the paper/chapter, and discuss its relevance to our class and to your work (total length not to exceed 3 pages).

If you find the paper/chapter interesting and useful, you might want to prepare a presentation as your individual study presentation. In that case, please let me know when you'd like to do the presentation (the earlier, the better).

Due Date for hw#A: 2/8/2011 for campus and distance student and 4/1/2011 for SW7 students
New due date for campus+distance students: 2/22/2011

Assignments #R and #S

You might want to tie your hw#R and/or hw#S to your course project. In that case, if you choose to do an SRE-related project, you might want to do hw#R first; otherwise, you might want to do hw#S first.

1st due date for one of (hw#R or hw#S): 3/1/2011 for campus/distance students and 4/15/2011 for SW7 students.
New 1st due date for campus/distance students: 3/15/2011.
2nd due date for the other: 3/29/2011 for campus/distance students and4/29/2011 for SW7 students.
New 2nd due date for campus/distance students: 4/5/2011.

Assignment #R: Paper Summary/Critique

Select one paper about software reliability (either from homework #1 or based on additional literature research) and write a short summary, analysis, and critique. You summary/analysis/critique should be around 3 or 4 double-spaced pages of text. Pay special attention to its relevance to CSE 8317 and to your work. Some specifics about this assignment are listed below:

Due Date for hw#R: (See above)

Assignment #S: Paper Summary/Critique

Repeat assignment #R for a software safety related paper.

Due Date for hw#S: (See above)

Assignment #4: Preparing for the Final Quiz

In preparation for the final quiz, as well as to review and summarize the course material for your own learning, I suggest the following questions:

Due Date for hw#4: (None, but see note below.)

Nothing need to be turned in for this homework. However, for your own benefit, you should try to finished it before our last class, when some of these problems will be briefly discussed/reviewed as part of the review for the final quiz.

Alternatively, you can treat hw#4 as an on-going self-evaluation assignment, and finish the questions as we go along throughout the semester when relevant topics are discussed in class.

Individual Study Presentation

Notice: You may choose one of the above papers for your full individual study presentation.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu).
Posted: Jan. 9, 2011. Last update: Feb. 23, 2011.

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