CSE 8317 (Spring, 2011): Student Presented/Suggested Papers and Individual Study Presentation Schedule for Campus/Distance Students
Papers are listed by the time they are presented by students for
their individual study presentations.
Some additional paper suggested by your fellow classmate are also listed
at the end.
2/2/11: (suggested topics: defect analysis)
2/9/11: (suggested topics: defect analysis)
2/16/11: (suggested topics: SRE general/core knowledge)
Rosa Montanez Rodriguez presenting
"Self-checking Software: Improving the Quality of Mission-Critical Systems"
by Reinhart, T.; Boettcher, C.; Tomashefsky, S.;
Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 18th ,
vol.1/17 pp.2.D.4-1-2.D.4-7, Nov 1999
Philip Nguyen presenting (Risk Analysis topic):
"The Practical Guide To Defect Prevention"
by Marc McDonald, Robert Musson, and Ross Smith
2/23/11: (suggested topics: SRE general/core knowledge)
3/2/11: (suggested topics: SSE general/core knowledge)
Ruili Geng presenting:
"Better Analysis of Defect Data at NASA"
3/9/11: (suggested topics: SSE general/core knowledge)
Dina El-Sakaan presenting
(work by Google)
"Automated Software Testing as a Service",
George Candea, Stefan Bucur, Cristian Zamfir,
Proc. 1st ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC),
Indianapolis, IN, June 2010
3/16/11: (Spring Break, no class/presentation)
3/23/11: (suggested topics: SRE/SSE -- new, advanced, in-depth)
John Robb presenting,
"Issues with Object Orientation in verifying Safety-Critical Systems"
- IEEE ISORC 2003.
Eric Abuta presenting
"Analysis of pervasive multiple-component defects in a large software system",
Zude Li et el. from IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
3/30/11: (suggested topics: SRE/SSE -- new, advanced, in-depth)
Hugo Martinez presenting
"Improving Software Reliability and Productivity via Mining
Program Source Code",
by Tao Xie, Mithun Acharya, Suresh Thummalapenta, and Kunal Taneja.
Mohammed Alannsary presenting:
"Improving Software Reliability using Software Engineering Approach
- a Review"
by Aasia Quyoum,
Mahraj - UD - Din Dar, and
SMK Quadri,
International Journal of Computer Applications(0975-8887)
Volume 10 . No. 5. November 2010
4/6/11: (suggested topics: SRE/SSE -- new, advanced, in-depth)
(last day to give an individual study presentation.)
Gity Karami Mirazizi presenting:
"A process for the software requirements safety analysis"
Jack Hougland presenting:
"A Systematic Process for Changing Safety-Critical Software".
Abdullah Azzouni presenting:
"Applicability of Software Reliability Growth Modeling in the Quality
Assurance Phase of a Large Business Software Vendor"
by Beckhaus, Karg and Hanselmann,
2009 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and
Applications Conference.
Ambrel Mitchell presenting:
"A Model-Driven Approach to Assuring Process Reliability"
by Ibrahim Habil and Tim Kelly,
2008 19th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering.
Benjamin Deaver presenting:
"Software reliability prediction by soft computing techniques",
by N.R. Kiran and V. Ravi,
J. of Systems and Software, May, 2007.
Papers suggested by your fellow classmates (besides those presented above):
(none for now)
Prepared by Jeff Tian
Posted: Jan. 11, 2011. Last update: April 6, 2011.