Tentative Schedule for campus/distance sections
- Week 1-3 (1/19, 1/26 and 2/2):
Overview and quality/dependability/SRE/SSE,
and related defect/risk analyses.
classes canceled on 2/2 and 2/9. Contents actually
covered in 1/19, 1/26, 2/16, and 1st half of 2/23 classes.
- Week 4'-6' (2/23, 3/2, 3/9):
SRE.1 (basics of SRE) and SSE.1 (basics of SSE)
- 3/16/2011: Spring break. No class.
- Week 7'-10' (3/23, 3/30, 4/6):
SSE.2 (Safeware) and SRE.2 (TBRMs and integrated SRE).
- Make up class contents:
(originally scheudle for week 11-13 on 3/30, 4/6, and 4/13):
SRE.3 (SRE Models) and SSE.3 (FM for SSE).
Will be posted/streamed in mid/late March.
- Week 14'-16' (4/13, 4/20, 4/27):
Review of online/streamed SRE.3 (SRE Models) and SSE.3 (FM for SSE);
SRE.4 and SSE.4 (recent developments/applications in SRE and SSE);
- Final exam date: 5/4/2011.
Prepared by Jeff Tian
Initially posted: Jan. 9, 2011. Last update: March 22, 2011.