Jeff Tian's Applied Research in Open Source Projects
Open source development has gain great momentum in the recent past,
and produced various successful products,
the most famous being Linux and various web-based or web-oriented
product such as Apache web server.
In addition to open access to their source code, documentation, etc.,
these projects also promise open access to their product or project data,
which can be of significant interest to software engineering researchers
like us.
We can use such data to understand the current practice,
to validate various software engineering research results,
and to provide valuable feedback to open source projects to
improve their process or product quality.
Some particular research topic we are investigating include:
Understanding the current practice in quality assurance and defect handling,
via project participant survey and analysis of related results.
Defect and metrics analysis,
by collecting defect data and performing various complexity analysis
to extract metrics data,
and then analyze the defect and metrics data.
The ultimate goal for my research in this area is to provide
feedback to open source projects for quality and process improvement.
Prepared by Jeff Tian
Last update: July 7, 2003.
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