Jeff Tian's Album
-- Recent photos of Jeff Tian and his colleagues/teachers/students/etc
Photos of people in our software engineering research group at SMU
Caruth Hall, new home (since 2010) of the CSE Dept of SMU
- In front of Caruth Hall, Lyle School of Engineering, with visitors
- At the back side of Caruth Hall
- South view of Caruth, with Turner Pavilion to the right
Photos of people in my old research group at Maryland
- Software engineering (virtual, from different times) group
under Vic Basili and Marv Zelkowitz
(their former students gathered at their retirement symposium 10/6/07):
- With my PhD advisor Marv Zelkowitz on 10/5/07:
- With my old classmate Pablo Straub on 10/5/07:
- Link to
more pictures
from Symposium on Software Engineering, Oct. 5-6, Honoring
Emeritus Professors Victor Basili and Marvin Zelkowitz
Last, and the least, a couple of boring portraits over the years
Prepared by Jeff Tian
Last update: May 18, 2020.