Halit Üster
(Ph.D., Management
Science/Systems, McMaster University,
Research and Engineering Management (OREM)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (by courtesy)
Southern Methodist
University (SMU)

Academic Appointments
Professor, Operations Research and
Engineering Management, SMU
Professor, Civil and Environmental
Engineering, SMU (by courtesy)
Fellow, Hunt Institute for
Engineering and Humanity, SMU
Associate Professor, Industrial and
Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University
Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering, Koc University, Turkey
Eshbach Scholar, IEMS Department, Northwestern University
2002 2008
Assistant Professor, Industrial and
Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University
2000 2002
Visiting Assistant Professor,
Information & Operations Management, Texas A&M University.
1999 2000
Visiting Assistant Professor,
Industrial Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Research Interests
s research interests are in optimization models and efficient solution
algorithms for design and analysis of networked systems with applications in
logistics and communications. Societal impact is typically a central theme and
emphasis in the applications of Uster s research. Specifically, his recent
research focuses on application areas including electric vehicle charging
networks, emergency logistics networks for disaster preparedness,
multi-commodity and relay networks in transportation to address driver turnover
and shortage problems, biomass/bio-energy logistics networks for sustainable
energy, closed-loop logistics and recycling networks, integrated
production-distribution-inventory networks, and
wireless sensor networks with environmental monitoring applications.
Program Inquiries
- Unsal, O., Uster, H, and Oguz,
C., Incorporating Patients' Appointment Date Preferences into
Decision-Making: A Simulation and Optimization Study, forthcoming in Computers
& Industrial Engineering, 2024.
- Hwang, S., Uster, H, and
Savaskan-Ebert, C. R., Reverse Channel Selection for Commercial Product
Returns under Time-Value Considerations, Annals of Operations Research, Online on February 10, 2023.
- Kewcharoenwong, P., Li, Q., and
Uster, H., Lagrangean Relaxation Algorithms for
Fixed-Charge Capacitated Relay Network Design, Omega, Vol. 121,
December 2023.
- Li, Q. Uster, H. and Zhang, Z., A
Bilevel Model for Robust Network Design and Biomass Pricing under Farmers'
Risk Attitudes and Supply Uncertainty, Transportation
Science, Vol. 57, No. 5 pp. 1296-1320, 2023.
- Ziaeifar, A. and Uster, H, Relay
Network Design with Direct Shipment and Multi-Relay Assignment, Annals of Operations Research, Vol.
328, pp. 1585 1614, 2023.
- Memisoglu, G. and Uster, H.,
Design of a Biofuel Supply Network under Stochastic and Price-Dependent
Biomass Availability, IISE
Transactions, Vol. 53. No. 8, pp. 869-882, 2021.
- Mubarak, M., Uster, H.,
Abdelghany, K., and Khodayar, M. E., Strategic Network Design and Analysis
for In-Motion Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation
Review, Vol. 145, January, pp. 1-21, 2021.
- Dalal, J. and Uster, H., Robust
Emergency Relief Supply Planning for Foreseen Disasters under Evacuation
Side Uncertainty, Transportation
Science, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 791 813, 2021.
- Uster, H. and Memisoglu, G.,
Biomass Logistics Network Design under Price-based Supply and Yield
Uncertainty, Transportation Science,
Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 474 492, 2018.
- Manshadi, S. D., Khodayar, M. E.,
Abdelghany, K., and Uster, H., Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles in
Electricity and Transportation Networks, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Vol. 9, No.5, pp. 4503-4512,
- Dalal, J. and Uster, H.,
Combining Worst Case and Average Case Considerations in an Integrated
Emergency Response Network Design Problem, Transportation Science, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 171 188, 2018.
- Uster, H., Wang, X., and Yates,
J.T., Strategic Evacuation Network Design (SEND) under Cost and Time
Considerations, Transportation
Research Part B: Methodological. Vol. 107, pp. 124-145, 2018.
- Kewcharoenwong, P. and Uster, H.,
Relay Network Design with Capacity and Link-Imbalance Considerations: A Lagrangean Decomposition Algorithm and Analysis, Transportation Science, Vol. 51,
No. 4, pp. 1177-1195 , 2017.
- Uster, H. and Hwang, S.,
Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design under Demand and Return
Uncertainty, Transportation Science,
Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1063-1085, 2017.
- Uster, H. and Dalal, J.,
Strategic Emergency Preparedness Network Design Integrating Supply and
Demand Sides in a Multi-Objective Approach, IISE Transactions, Vol. 49/4, pp. 395-413, 2017. (Featured in
the ISE Magazine in March 2017.)
- Marzouk, A., Moreno-Centeno, E.,
and Uster, H., A Branch and Price Algorithm for Solving the Hamiltonian
p-median Problem, INFORMS Journal on
Computing, Vol. 28/4, pp. 674-686, 2016.
- Memisoglu, G. and Uster, H.,
Integrated Bio-Energy Supply Chain Network Planning Problem, Transportation Science, Vol. 50/1,
pp. 35-56, 2016.
- Uster, H. and Dilaveroglu,
S., Optimization for Design and Operation of Natural Gas Transmission
Networks, Applied Energy, Vol.
133, pp. 56-69, 2014.
- Cetinkaya, S., Keskin, B. B., and
Uster, H., Characterization of Facility Assignment Costs for a
Location-Inventory Model under Truckload Distribution, Journal of the Operational Research
Society, Vol. 65, pp. 1371-1379, 2014.
- Kewcharoenwong, P. and Uster, H.,
Benders Decomposition Algorithms for the Fixed-Charge Relay Network Design
in Telecommunications, Telecommunication
Systems, Vol. 56/4, pp. 441-453, 2014.
- Lin, H. and Uster, H., A Parallel
Algorithm with Enhancements via Partial Objective Value Cuts for
Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Network Design, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 74/7, pp.
2615-2625, 2014.
- Lin, H. and Uster, H., Exact and
Heuristic Algorithms for Data-Gathering Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor
Network Design Problem, IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking, Vol. 22/3, pp. 903-916, 2014.
- Karakayali, I., Akcali,
E., Cetinkaya, S., and Uster, H. Capacitated Replenishment and Disposal
Planning for Multiple Products with Resalable Returns, Annals of Operations Research, Vol.
203/1, pp. 325-350, 2013.
- Keskin, B. B. and Uster, H.,
Production/Distribution System Design with Inventory Considerations, Naval Research Logistics, Vol.
59/2, pp. 172-195, 2012.
- Uster, H. and Kewcharoenwong, P.,
Strategic Design and Analysis of a Relay Network in Truckload
Transportation, Transportation
Science, Vol. 45/4, pp. 505-523, 2011.
- Tores-Soto, J. E. and Uster, H.,
Dynamic Demand Capacitated Facility Location Problems with and without
Relocation, International Journal of
Production Research, Vol. 49/13, pp. 3979-4005, 2011.
- Uster, H. and Agrahari, H., A
Benders Decomposition Approach for a Distribution Network Design Problem
with Consolidation and Capacity Considerations, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 39/2, pp. 138-143, 2011.
- Uster, H. and Lin, H., Integrated
Topology Control and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Prolonged
Network Lifetime, Ad Hoc Networks,
Vol. 9/5, pp. 835-851, 2011.
- Easwaran, G. and Uster, H., A
Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design Problem with Integrated Forward
and Reverse Channel Decisions, IIE
Transactions, Vol. 42/11, pp. 779-792, 2010. (Featured in the IE Magazine in October 2010.)
- Keskin, B. B., Uster, H., and
Cetinkaya, S., Integration of Strategic and Tactical Decisions for Vendor
Selection under Capacity Constraints, Computers
and Operations Research, Vol. 37, pp. 2182-2191, 2010.
- Uster, H. and Agrahari, H., An
Integrated Load-Planning Problem with Intermediate Consolidated Truckload
Assignments, IIE Transactions,
Vol. 42/7, pp. 490-513, 2010.
- Uster,
H. and Kumar, S.K.S., Algorithms for the Design of Network Topologies with
Balanced Disjoint Rings, Journal of
Heuristics, Vol. 16/1, pp. 37-63, 2010.
- Cetinkaya,
S., Uster, H., Easwaran, G., and Keskin, B. B., An Integrated Outbound
Logistics Model for Frito-Lay: Coordinating Aggregate Level Production and
Distribution Decisions, Interfaces,
Vol. 39, pp. 460-475, 2009 (Finalist
for The Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research,
INFORMS, 2008).
- Easwaran, G. and Uster, H., Tabu
Search and Benders Decomposition Approaches for a Capacitated Closed-Loop
Supply Chain Network Design Problem, Transportation
Science, Vol. 43/3, pp. 301-320, 2009.
- Akcali,
E., Cetinkaya, S. and Uster, H., Network Design for Reverse and
Closed-Loop Supply Chains: An Annotated Bibliography of Models and
Solution Approaches, Networks,
Vol. 53/3, pp. 231-248, 2009.
- Uster,
H., Keskin, B. B. and Cetinkaya, S., Integrated Warehouse Location and
Inventory Decisions in a Three-Tier Distribution System, IIE Transactions, Vol. 40/8, pp.
718-732, 2008. (Featured in the IE
Magazine in August 2008.)
- Uster,
H., Easwaran, G., Akcali, E. and Cetinkaya, S.,
Benders Decomposition with Alternative Multiple Cuts for a Multi-Product
Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design Model, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 54/8, pp. 890-907, 2007.
- Keskin,
B. B. and Uster, H., Meta-heuristic Approaches with Memory and Evolution
for Multi-Product Production/Distribution System Design Problem, European Journal of Operational
Research, Vol. 182/2, pp. 663-682, 2007.
- Uster,
H. and Maheshwari, N., Strategic Network Design for Multi-Zone Truckload
Shipments, IIE Transactions,
Vol. 39/2, pp. 177-189, 2007.
- Keskin,
B. B. and Uster, H., A Scatter Search-based Heuristic to Locate
Capacitated Transshipment Points, Computers
and Operations Research, Vol. 34/10, pp. 3112-3125, 2007.
- Uster,
H. and Love, R. F., Formulation of Confidence Intervals for Estimated
Actual Distances, European Journal
of Operational Research, Vol. 151/3, pp. 586-601, 2003.
- Uster,
H. and Love, R. F., Duality in Constrained Multi-Facility Location Models,
Naval Research Logistics, Vol.
49/4, pp. 410-421, 2002.
- Uster,
H. and Love, R. F., A Generalization of the Rectangular Bounding Method
for Continuous Location Models, Computers
and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 4/1-2, pp. 181-191, 2002.
- Uster,
H. and Love, R. F., Application of Weighted Sum of Order p to Distance
Estimation, IIE Transactions,
Vol. 33/8, pp. 675-684, 2001.
- Uster,
H. and Love, R. F., On the Directional Bias of the Lbp-norm,
European Journal of Operational
Research, Vol. 128/3, pp. 664-673, 2001.
- Love,
R. F. and Uster, H., A Statistical Comparison of Three Goodness-of-Fit
Criteria Used in Modeling Distances, Journal
of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Vol. 5/4, pp.235-251,
- Uster,
H. and Love, R. F., The Convergence of the Weiszfeld's Algorithm, Computers and Mathematics with
Applications, Vol. 40/5, pp. 443-451, 2000.
Back to top
- Makris, N. (PI), H. DeShon (co-PI), and H. Uster (co-PI), Assessing the
Urban Seismic Risk in the US from a Magnitude, Mw=7.8 Earthquake, Lyle School
of Engineering Seed Funding, 2023-2024, $30,000.
- Uster, H. (PI), Infrastructure
Systems Planning of Integrated Preparedness Logistics Networks for
Large-Scale Foreseen Disasters, National Science Foundation (CMMI
2114102), 2021-2024, $315,580.
- Uster, H. (PI), Workshop:
Grantees and Future Research Directions in Service, Manufacturing, and
Operations Research (NSF-SMOR) Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX,
National Science Foundation (CMMI 1650203), 2016-2017, $49,943.
- Uster, H. (SMU PI) and T. Ferris
(TAMU PI), Collaborative Research: Integrated Data-Driven Methodologies to
Addressing the Driver Turnover and Shortage Problems in Truckload
Transportation, National Science Foundation (CMMI 1538115), 2015-2018,
$423,370 (total), $236,491 (SMU).
- Khodayar, M. (PI), H. Uster
(co-PI), and K. Abdelghany (co-PI), EAGER: Integrated Planning and
Operation of Electricity-Transportation Networks for Wireless Electric
Vehicle Charging, National Science Foundation (CMMI 1550448), 2015-2016,
- Uster, H. (TAMU PI), J.D. Hong
(SCSU PI), Y. Xie (SCSU Co-PI), and H. Selassie (SCSU Co-PI), Optimization
and Simulation of Integrated Biomass and Bio-energy Logistics Networks, US
Department of Agriculture, 2011-2014, $670,433 (total), $171,012 (TAMU).
- Uster, H. (PI), Sensors: Models
and Algorithms for Efficient Design and Operation of Wireless Sensor
Networks, National Science Foundation (CMMI 0428831), 2005-2008, $160,000.
CIEG (Cyberinfrastructure Experiences for Graduates) Supplements ($15,000 each)
for studies at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), Summer 2007 and
Summer 2008.
(Research Experiences for Undergraduates) Supplement ($6,000 each), Spring
- Uster, H. (TAMU PI), S. Cetinkaya
(TAMU co-PI), and E. Akcali (UF PI),
Collaborative Research: Analytical Approaches for the Design and Operation
of Closed-Loop Supply Chains, National Science Foundation (CMMI 0522980),
2005-2008, $303,258 (total), $182,212 (TAMU).
- Uster, H. (PI) and S. Cetinkaya
(co-PI), Operational Level Distribution Optimization, Frito-Lay Inc. and
Pepsi Co., 2006-2007, $212,000.
- Cetinkaya, S. (PI) and H. Uster
(co-PI), Coordinating Production Output and Distribution Decisions,
Frito-Lay Inc., 2005-2006, $158,000.
- Uster, H. (PI), Student Travel
Support for the 2008 INFORMS Southwest Regional Conference, College
Station, TX, April 18-19, 2008, National Science Foundation (CMMI
0823505), $10,000.
Back to top
Invited Seminars
- University
of Florida, Industrial and Systems Engineering, September 2023.
- Northeastern
University, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, February 2021.
- University
of Texas-Austin, Operations Research/Industrial Engineering, February
- University
of Texas-Arlington, Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering,
November 2019.
- Mississippi
State University, Industrial Engineering, April 2018.
- North
Carolina State University, Industrial and Systems Engineering, February
- Arizona
State University, Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems
Engineering, February 2014.
- Seventh
Annual Workshop on Supply Chain and Logistics, Bilkent
University, Ankara, Turkey. June 2013.
- Koc
University, ORCIBS Seminar Series, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2013.
- Middle
East Technical University (METU), Industrial Engineering, Ankara, Turkey,
May 2013.
- Bilkent University, Industrial
Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, May 2013.
- Bogazici University, Industrial
Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2013.
- University
of Houston, Industrial Engineering, November 2012.
- Sabanci University, Manufacturing
Systems/Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012.
- Koc
University, Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2012.
- Erasmus
University, Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands, August 2011.
- Texas
A&M University, ISE, Parsons Seminar Series, September 2010.
- University
of Texas-Austin, Operations Research/Industrial Engineering, March 2010.
- University
of Michigan, Industrial and Operations Engineering, March 2010.
- Northwestern
University, Transportation Center, February 2010.
- Northwestern
University, Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, October 2009.
- Monterrey
Tech, Industrial Engineering, Toluca, Mexico, November 2006.
- University
of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business, Canada. January 2002.
- University
of Toronto, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Canada.
January 2000.
Back to top
Student Advising
PhD Students
- Vala
- Leyla
Sadat Tavassoli
- Siavash
Tabrizian, (co-advised with Harsha Gangammanavar), Sampling-based
Algorithms for Two-stage Stochastic Programs and Applications, December
Scientist at USX Variant, Atlanta, GA (position upon graduation)
- Qiaofeng
Li, Logistics Network Design Problems in Transportation and Bioenergy
Supply Networks, Visiting doctoral student from Department of Industrial
Engineering at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2019-2020.
- Nadere Mansouri, Cost- and Time-
Effective Regional Evacuation Network Design and Operation under Travel
Congestion and Uncertainty, December 2019.
Research Analyst at Norfolk Southern, Atlanta, GA (position upon graduation)
- Amin
Ziaeifar, Generalized Relay Network Design and Collaborative Dispatching
in Truckload Transportation, December 2019.
Research Analyst at Sabre, Dallas, TX (position upon graduation)
- Mamdouh
Mubarak, Network Design For In-Motion Wireless Charging Of Electric
Vehicles: Models And Algorithms, December 2018. (The
Global Grand Challenges Summit- Graduate Award for Original Research,
awarded by the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE), the UK Royal
Academy of Engineering, and the Chinese Academy of Engineering)
Research Analyst at ExxonMobil, Houston, TX (position upon graduation)
- Ahmed
Marzouk (co-advised with E. Moreno-Centeno), The Slim Branch-and-Price
Method with an Application to The Hamiltonian p-Median Problem, December
Fellow at SMU, Dallas, TX (position upon graduation)
- Gokhan
Memisoglu, Bio-Energy Logistics Network Design Under Price-Based Supply
and Yield Uncertainty, December 2014.
Research Analyst at Llamasoft Inc., Ann Arbor, MI
(position upon graduation)
- Jyotirmoy
Dalal, Models and Solution Approaches for Emergency Response Network
Design Integrating Supply and Demand Sides, December 2014.
Professor, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Udaipur, India (position upon
- Sung
Ook Hwang, Methods and Analysis for Recovery Logistics Networks with
Uncertainty and Channel Selection Considerations, December 2014.
Operations Research Analyst at NetJets, Columbus, OH (position upon graduation)
- Xinghua
Wang (co-advised J. Yates), Discrete Optimization and Agent-based
Simulation for Regional Evacuation Network Design Problem, December 2012.
Operations Research Analyst at FedEx, Memphis, TN (position upon graduation)
- Hui
Lin, Models and Solution Approaches for Efficient Design and Operation of
Wireless Sensor Networks, December 2010.
Research Analyst at the Bank of America, Dallas, TX (position upon graduation)
- Panitan
(Ken) Kewcharoenwong, Relay Network Design in Logistics and
Telecommunications: Models and Solution Approaches, May 2010.
fellow, IEMS Department, Northwestern University (position upon graduation).
Ken was a recipient of the 2009 INFORMS Judith Liebman Award.
- Joqauin E. Tores-Soto, Dynamic and
Robust Capacitated Facility Location in Time Varying Demand Environments,
May 2009.
Professor of Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, ITESM Campus
Chihuahua, Mexico (position upon graduation)
- Gopal
Easwaran (co-advised with S. Cetinkaya), Decomposition Based Solution
Approaches for Multi-product Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design
Models, August 2008.
Professor of Industrial Engineering at St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX
(position upon graduation)
- Homarjun
Agrahari, Models and Solution Approaches for Intermodal and
Less-than-Truckload Network Design with Load Consolidations, December
Operations Research Analyst at BNSF Railway, Fort Worth, TX (position upon
graduation). Homarjun was a recipient of the 2008 INFORMS Judith Liebman Award.
- Burcu
B. Keskin (co-advised with S. Cetinkaya), Joint Optimization of Location
and Inventory Decisions for Improving Supply Chain Cost Performance,
December 2007.
professor at the School of Business, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
(position upon graduation). Burcu received the 2007-2008 Excellence in
Research-Doctoral Award from the Association of Former Students at TAMU. Burcu
also received the 2007 International Transportation Management Association
James Costello Memorial Award and the 2007 Transportation Clubs Award, both
recognizing her scholarly activities in supply chain design and transportation.
Burcu was also a recipient of the 2007 INFORMS Judith Liebman Award.
Students (Praxair)
- Mohammed
A. Qaudeer, Praxair Title: Blockchain And Its Transformational Impact to
Global Business, August 2020.
MSc Students
(Thesis or Project)
- Sebnem
Dilaveroglu, Thesis Title: Optimization for Design
and Operation of Natural Gas Transmission Networks, December 2012.
- Sarath
K. Sasi Kumar, Thesis Title: A Multi-exchange Heuristic for Formation of
Balanced Disjoint Rings, August 2005.
- Nimish
Maheshwari, Thesis Title: A Network Design Model for Multi-zone Truckload
Shipments, December 2004.
- Vishal
V. Karnik, Project Title: Site Selection Problem with Location and Delocation of Facilities, December 2004.
- Stefan
Pissors, Project Title: An Empirical Study on
the Goodness-of-fit Criteria Used in Predicting Road Network Distances,
May 2000.
Undergraduate Students
- Ahren
Lacy (NSF-REU), Algorithms and Approaches for Wireless Sensors Network
Design, graduate mentor Hui Lin, Spring 2008. Ahren later graduated from
TAMU ISE Department and started graduate studies at the Management Science
and Engineering Department, Stanford University.
- Richard
Ivey (USRG at TAMU), Analysis of Integrated Inventory and Location Decisions
in Supply Chains, graduate mentor Burcu B. Keskin, Summer 2006. Richard
later graduated from Auburn University ISE Department and started graduate
studies at the ISE Department, North Carolina State University.
- Josh
Skinner (USRG at TAMU), Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure for a
Capacitated Distribution Network Design Problem, graduate mentor Homarjun
Agrahari, Summer 2005. Josh later graduated from Louisiana Tech University
IE Department and started at J.B. Hunt Transportation Logistics Company.
Back to top
Operations Research and
Engineering Management, SMU
Industrial and Systems
Engineering, TAMU
Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University
450-1 Mathematical Programming I
407 Quantitative Methods (MEM)
Information and Operations Management, TAMU
- Operations
- Operations
Planning and Control (Factory Physics and the Goal)
Industrial Engineering, University of Alabama
- Engineering
Statistics I
- Engineering
Statistics II
- Operations
Research I
- Production
Planning and Control
- Engineering
Back to top
Professional Service
- Department
Editor, IISE Transactions on Supply
Chains and Logistics, 2024 present
- Associate
Editor, Transportation Science,
- Associate
Editor, IIE Transactions on
Scheduling and Logistics, 2005 2010, 2014-2024.
- Editorial
Board Member, Sustainability
Analytics and Modelling, 2021-present.
- Chair,
Best Paper Award Committee, IISE
Transactions in Supply Chains and Logistics, 8/2023-Present.
- Member
INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society (TSL) Conference
Scientific Committee, Chicago, IL, July 2023.
- Chair,
INFORMS Combined Colloquia, Anaheim, CA, 2021 and Indianapolis, IN, 2022.
- Member,
The Academic Lifetime Achievement Award Committee, The IISE Energy Systems
Division (ESD), 2021-2022.
- Co-Chair,
INFORMS Interactive Poster and Competition, INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, 2021.
- Member,
INFORMS Second TSL (Transportation Science and Logistics) Society
Conference Scientific Committee to take place in Washington DC, July 2020.
- Guest
Editor Special Issue: Modeling and Analysis of Supply Planning and
Operations for Sustainable Bioenergy Systems IISE Transactions Focused
Issue on Operations Engineering and Analytics, 2018-2020.
- Invited
Participant NSF Cyberinfrastructure Workshop on Computational Operations
Research and Community-oriented Analytics (cORe),
Information Sciences Institute (ISI), Viterbi School of Engineering at
USC, Los Angeles, CA, April 2019.
- Member,
INFORMS Scholarships Committee, 2019.
- Chair,
NSF Workshop on Future Directions in Service, Manufacturing, and
Operations Research, Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas, TX.
March 29-31, 2019. https://people.smu.edu/nsfworkshop/
- Co-Chair,
DCII Fellows Seminar Workshop on Operations Research and Statistics:
Toward Integrated Analytics, Southern Methodist University (SMU), Dallas,
TX. April 26-27, 2019. https://people.smu.edu/dciiworkshop/
- Chair,
INFORMS Scholarships Committee (inaugural), 2018.
- Participant,
INFORMS Speakers Program, since 2018.
- Panelist
JFIG Panel: Becoming a More Productive Writer, INFORMS, Phoenix, AZ,
November 2018.
- Chair,
TSL Society Dissertation Prize Committee, INFORMS, 2017.
- Reviewer,
INFORMS JFIG (Junior Faculty Interest Group) Paper Competition, 2017.
- Member,
Scientific Committee of the First INFORMS TSL Conference, Chicago, IL,
July 26-29, 2017.
- Member,
TSL (Transportation Science and Logistics) Society Dissertation Prize
Committee, INFORMS, 2015, 2016.
- Member,
Nicholson Prize Committee, INFORMS, 2015-2017.
- Member,
INFORMS Scholarships Ad Hoc Committee, 2016. Proposed the Scholarships Program to be established in INFORMS.
- Co-Chair,
INFORMS Second New Faculty Colloquium, INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA, 2015.
- Chair,
INFORMS First New Faculty Colloquium, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, November, 2014. Proposed
and established the New Faculty Colloquium in INFORMS.
- Panel
Organizer, How to Undertake Collaborative Research, INFORMS Conference,
Phoenix, AZ, 2012.
- Member,
INFORMS Subdivisions Council, 2007 - 2009.
- General
Chair and Program Co-chair, INFORMS Southwest Regional Conference, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX, April, 2008.
- Chair,
UPS-SOLA Bi-Annual Dissertation Award Committee (SOLA: INFORMS Section on
Location Analysis), 2007.
- Cluster
Co-Chair, INFORMS sessions sponsored by the Telecommunications Section.
Seattle, WA, 2007 and Washington DC, 2008.
- Member,
Organizing Committee of the New Faculty Colloquium at IERC, Orlando, FL,
- Session
- Network
Design Applications in Supply Chains, INFORMS Conference, Austin, TX,
- Design
Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks, INFORMS Conference, Seattle, WA,
- Integrated
Models for Production/Distribution System Design, IERC, Atlanta, GA,
- Optimization
in Closed-Loop Supply Chains (co-organized with E. Akcali),
INFORMS Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2006.
- Referee
: Ad Hoc Networks, Annals of
Operations Research, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Computers and
Industrial Engineering, Computers and Operations Research, Discrete
Applied Mathematics, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics,
European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 - Ad-hoc and
Sensor Networking Symposium, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IISE
Transactions: Scheduling and Logistics, Interfaces, International Journal
of Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production Research,
International Transactions of Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on
Computing, Journal of Heuristics, Journal of the Operational Research
Society, Manufacturing and Services Operations Management (M&SOM),
Mathematical Methods of OR, Mathematical Programming, Naval Research
Logistics, Omega, Operations Research, Production and Operations
Management, Sensors, Telecommunication Systems, Transportation Research-Part
B, Transportation Research-Part C, Transportation Research-Part E, and
Transportation Science.
- Panelist
in National Science Foundation Review Panels, 2002, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2020.
- Reviewer,
The Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014,
2015, and 2021.
Internal Service
- Member,
Dean Search Committee for Lyle School of Engineering, Southern Methodist
University (SMU), 2022.
- Member,
Committee on Doctoral Studies in Data Science, Southern Methodist
University (SMU), 2021-2022.
- Member,
Task Force on Data Science & Analytics, Southern Methodist University
(SMU), 2017-2019.
- Fellow,
SMU Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute (DCII). Organizer for
Fellows Seminar: Operations Research and Statistics: Toward Integrated
Analytics, Dedman College, SMU, Dallas, TX, 2017-2018 (with Tony Ng from
Stat-SMU). Funded by DCII ($10,000).
- Member,
Academic IT Council (Lyle representative), SMU, 2015-2018.
- Member,
Faculty Senate, SMU, 2015-2018.
- Member,
Senate Committee on Research and Graduate Education, SMU, 2015-2018.
- Organizer,
Interdisciplinary Research Cluster: Operations Research and Statistics
towards Integrated Analytics, Dedman College, SMU, Dallas, TX, 2016-2017.
(with Tony Ng from Stat-SMU). Funded by Dedman College Interdisciplinary
Institute ($2,000) and Scott-Hawkins Lecture Funds ($2,000).
- Member,
Senate Committee on Faculty Benefits, SMU, 2016-2017.
- Member,
University Research Council, SMU, 2014-2016.
- Member,
Faculty Senate, TAMU, 2013 2014.
- Member,
Senate Research Committee, TAMU, 2013-2014.
- Member,
Research Development Council, Lyle School of Engineering, SMU,
- Member,
Lyle Technology Needs Group, 2017-present.
- Chair,
Promotion and Tenure Committee, SMU Lyle School of Engineering, 2016-2017.
- Member,
Promotion and Tenure Committee, SMU Lyle School of Engineering, 2015-2016,
2019-2020, 2020-2021.
- Member,
EFAC (Engineering Faculty Advisory Council) Look College of Engineering,
TAMU, 2013 2014.
- Member,
College of Engineering Growth Committee, TAMU, 2013-2014.
- Faculty
Participant, Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program, College of
Engineering, TAMU, Summer 2006.
- Director,
Operations Research Graduate Program, EMIS Department, SMU, 2016-Present.
- Member,
Graduate Committee, OREM Department, Fall 2022-Present.
- Advisor,
MSOR Program Students, OREM Department, SMU, Fall 2016-Present.
- Chair,
Faculty Search Committee, OREM Department, SMU, 2015-2020, 2021-2022.
- Chair,
Promotion and Tenure Committee, OREM Department, SMU, 2017-Present.
- Member,
OREM Course Coordination Committee on OR Methodology, 2019-Present.
- Mentor,
Junior Faculty Mentorship (2), OREM Department, SMU, 2018-Present.
- Seminar
Series Organizer, EMIS Department, SMU, Fall 2019.
- Faculty
Advisor, SMU INFORMS Student Chapter, 2015-2018.
- Faculty
Advisor, Texas A&M University (TAMU) INFORMS Student Chapter, 2004
(inception) 2008 and 2011-2012. The chapter won the INFORMS Summa Cum
Laude awards in 2006, 2008 and Magna Cum Laude awards in 2007, 2011.
- Seminar
Series Organizer, Industrial and Systems Engineering Seminar Series, TAMU,
Fall 2012 and 2013.
- Industrial
and Systems Engineering (ISEN) TAMU Departmental Committees at TAMU
Growth Committee, 2013-2014.
ISEN Department Head Search Committee, 2011-2012.
Ph.D. Student Career Development Committee, 2008-2009.
Computer Committee, 2008-2009, 2010-2011.
Ph.D. Student Career Development Committee, 2007-2008, 2010-2011.
Graduate Committee, 2006-2007, 2011-2012.
Faculty Search Committee, 2005-2006.
Awards Committee, 2004-2005.
Undergraduate Committee, 2002-2005, 2012-2013.
Course Coordinator, ISEN 416 Facility Layout, Location and Material
Handling, TAMU, 2005-2013.
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Selected Awards
- Caterpillar
Teaching Excellence Award, Dwight Look College of Engineering, Texas
A&M University, 2011.
- Eshbach
Society Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the McCormick School of
Engineering & Applied Science, Northwestern University, 2009.
- Faculty
Appreciation Award, INFORMS Student Chapter, 2004 and 2009, Texas A&M
- Research
Featured in the IE Magazine,
Strategic Emergency Preparedness Network Design Integrating Supply and
Demand Sides in a Multi-Objective Approach, March 2017.
- Research
Featured in the IE Magazine, A
Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network Design Problem with Integrated Forward
and Reverse Channel Decisions, November 2010.
- Research
Featured in the IE Magazine,
Integrated Warehouse Location and Inventory Decisions in Three- Tier
Distribution Systems, August 2008.
- Finalist
for the Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research,
INFORMS, 2008, An Integrated Outbound Logistics Model for Frito-Lay:
Coordinating Aggregate Level Production and Distribution Decisions, with
S. Cetinkaya, G. Easwaran, and B. Keskin.
- Moving
Spirit Award, INFORMS, 2007.
- Outstanding
Faculty Member, voted by the IIE Chapter at the U of Alabama, 1999-2000.
Postgraduate Scholarship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada, 1997-1999.
- Senior
Member of INFORMS (Institute for
Operations Research and Management Sciences)
- Senior
Member of IISE (Institute of
Industrial and Systems Engineers)
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