Structure of Parkin-S223P E3 Ligase

This is the 1.58 Å structure of Parkin-R
0RBR showing the fold architecture for the four RING domains

Mutation of C431 eliminates Parkin-catalyzed degradation of the mitochondria.

Examination of the active site suggests a catalytic network consisting of C431 and H433.

Title of the reference :

Structure and function of Parkin E3 ubiquitin ligase reveals aspects of RING and HECT ligases

Author :

Riley, B.E., Loughheed, J.C., Callaway, K., Velasquez, M., Brecht, E., Nguyen, L., Shaler, T., Walker, D., Yang, Y., Regnstrom, K., Diep, L., Zhang, Z., Chiou, S., Bova, M., Artis, D.R., Yao, N., Baker, J., Yednock, T., Johnston, J.A.

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