MCNC Benchmark Netlists for Floorplanning and Placement

Many floorplanning and placement papers refer to "MCNC benchmark netlists".  These refer to a common set of netlists that were originally archived at the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC).  More recently, these netlists have been archived at the Collaborative Benchmarking Laboratory at North Carolina State University (NCSU-CBL).  However, if you click on the CBL link, you will notice that the pages are "under construction", as they are reconstructing the site after a recent hiatus.  In the meantime, I will make these files available here until the CBL site is up and running.

The benchmark files are in YAL format: two documents that describe this format are the following:

Block Netlists

Often used to test floorplanning methods.

Mixed Netlists

Often used to test mixed macro and standard cell placement methods, or combined floorplanning and placement methods.

Standard Cell Netlists

Often used to test standard cell placement methods.

This page last updated 2012 Jul 28