CSE 8389 Side Channel Attacks
Grading Policy Midterm Exam 25%
  Midterm Proposal/Case Study 25%
  Quizzes/Homework 10%
  Class Project 15%
  End of Semester Exam 25%
NOTE: Grades on assignments and exams will range from 0-100. However, the final class grade will be scaled to fit the above grading policy (1 homework point IS NOT EQUAL TO 1 test point)

Late Assignments:

Unless a documented and legitimate reason is provided, all assignments turned in late will automatically have 20% of the total possible points deducted for EACH class period that has elapsed since the due date.  As an example, a 100-point assignment that was due on Monday but turned in on Wednesday will be graded as normal and then 20 additional points will be deducted for being late.  All assignments are due at the BEGINNING of the class period, I do not want to see students working on homework during the class period.

Students who do not turn in project materials or participate in the presentation WILL NOT pass this class. All technical details of your projects must be presented and described in your reports. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any way and proper citations must be used where appropriate.

All students whether enrolled in 5393, 7393, or 8393 will be expected to work on a class project. Students enrolled in higher-level courses (7393 and 8393) will be expected to have a more substantial project. Students in the 8393 versions will need to address an open problem in their course projects. Survey projects are appropriate for 5393 and perhaps 7393 after approval.

Makeup Examinations:

There will be no makeup examinations, a missed examination will result in 0% unless a valid and documented excuse is presented.  If possible, students should provide such documentation before the examination date.  In any event, notification must be provided within 2 class periods following the missed examination.  In the case of a legitimate excuse for missing an examination, an alternative for making up this portion of total grade will be provided to the student.

Student Expectations:

          Please do not:
            1. Read newspapers or other material during the class while teaching and learning are occurring. 
                This is rude to your classmates and to the instructor.
            2. Do homework or other class assignments during the class while teaching and learning is
            3. Have cell phones (or pagers) turned on and receive calls during class - TURN THEM OFF
            4. Engage in web surfing or instant messaging during the class while teaching and learning are
            5. Bring people to class who are not officially enrolled.  Any exception to this rule must
                be OKed by the instructor at least 24 hours prior to the next class period.
            6. Carry on conversations either verbally, electronically, or via passing notes during the class.
                This is distracting to other students and the instructor.
            7. Request that the final exam be administered to you at a time other than the officially scheduled
                time.  Only in very rare circumstances will I allow a student to take the final exam at a alternative
            8. Eat a meal during the class.