Quantum computing will be leveraged to both strengthen—
and threaten—
encryption, private communications, and classical cryptography more generally. QIRG studies the intersection of quantum and cyber security from several perspectives, including those at the software and hardware level. Efforts include development of programmable circuits that generate true random numbers from a user-specified distribution, as well as implementation of a photonics-based physically-unclonable function and analysis of its resilience to contemporary attacks. For details, please see representative publications below. We gratefully acknowledge Anametric, Inc. for contributing financial support to these projects.
Representative Publications
J.M. Henderson, E.R. Henderson, C.A. Harper, H. Shahoei, W.V. Oxford, E.C. Larson, D.L. MacFarlane and M.A. Thornton, "A Photonic Physically Unclonable Function's Resilience to Multiple-Valued Machine Learning Attacks," IEEE Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL) , Forthcoming May 28-30, 2024.E.R. Henderson, J.M. Henderson, H. Shahoei, W.V. Oxford, E.C. Larson, D.L. MacFarlane and M.A. Thornton, "Designing a Photonic Physically Unclonable Function Having Resilience to Machine Learning Attacks," SPIE Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XVI (SPIE) , Forthcoming April 21-25, 2024.E.R. Henderson, J.M. Henderson, W.V. Oxford and M.A. Thornton, "Automated Quantum Circuit Generation for Computing Inverse Hash Functions," SPIE Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XVI (SPIE) , Forthcoming April 21-25, 2024.D.L. MacFarlane, H. Shahoei, I.G. Achu, E. Stewart, W.V. Oxford and M.A. Thornton, " Multiple-Valued Physically Unclonable Function in Photonic Integrated Circuits,"IEEE Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL) , May 22-24, 2023, pp. 184-189.A. Sinha, E.R. Henderson, J.M. Henderson, E.C. Larson and M.A. Thornton, " A Programmable True Random Number Generator using Commercial Quantum Computers," SPIE 12517,Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XV , April 30-May 4, 2023, 1251705 (15 pp.), publication date June 13, 2023.