CSE 7314 (Spring, 2002): Class Modules and Reading Material

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)

No specific reading assignment will be given. Rough correspondence between class modules and reading material (See also the list of additional references for additional relevant reading material) are given below:
  1. Module I. QA and Testing Overview: BBT 1, BBT 2, SRE 1, SRE 4, SRE 5, P 1.
  2. Module II. QA alternatives: P 1.
  3. Module III. Structural testing: BBT 3, BBT 4, BBT 5.
  4. Module IV. Behavior testing: BBT 6, BBT 7.
  5. Module V. Usage-based testing: SRE 3, P 2, P 3.
  6. Module VI. Qaulity/Defect/Reliability analysis: P 4, P 3.

Additional reading material and their complete reference information can be found in the online list of additional references.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu). Last update Jan. 17, 2002.

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