CSE 7314/5314 (Fall 2005): Course Project

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu)


You project is a major part of your CSE 7314/5314. It will consist of the following parts: The details are given below.

Acceptable projects and project proposals

There are two types of basic choices for your course project:
  1. An application of some specific testing techniques/models to some programs/products you are developing/testing/maintaining/supporting. For example, you may choose to construct control flow and data flow models to test a module you are developing at your work. Another example is the development, validation, and usage of an operational profile for a large software systems you are working on.

    Pay special attention to the evaluation of your testing/analysis results. Be prepared to answer this type of questions:

    You answer can be based on either the practical evidence (executing several types of testing cases and observing the results) or based on logical arguments (suitability of certain testing technique on certain types of products), or both.

    It's generally a good idea to consider multiple testing techniques and actually use a couple of them in your project to get a hands-on feeling of how different techniques and models work in practical applications.

  2. In addition to or instead of testing activities above, you may choose to perform various other quality assurance activities and document the results. Possibilities include comprehensive inspection, defect prevention and process improvement, formal verification, and fault tolerance. You may also collect inspection/testing/QA records for a product at your work, and construct quality models to analyze the results, to assess the effectiveness of your inspection/testing/QA techniques, or to identify high-defect modules for focused quality improvement actions.

    If you choose this second type of project, make sure you are focusing on quality that can be quantified and analyzed. (For example, a process definition/improvement initiative with only a logical argument for its superiority is not suitable for this class.)

You project proposal should be around 3-4 double spaced pages in length, and should include the following information: In case of a group project, please also provide information regarding roles and responsibilities. The amount of work proposed for a group project should be appropriate for the group size.

Project summary or presentation? The choice is yours

All the graduate students are required to submit a project summary, in presentation slide format (2-3 slides), suitable for in-class presentation by the professor (or by the students), if you are not doing a full presentation (see below) in class. You summary should focus on the main results from your project for us to get the basic picture. Here is a template for your project summary.

You may choose to do a (full) project presentation yourself. In that case, you don't need to submit the project summary. Each presentation could last anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes. You need to highlight the problem/solution-strategy/results/analysis for us to get the basic picture, but not necessarily too much details.

As I stated earlier, this part is optional for undergraduate students.

Project report

The project report should be treated as a term paper, around 15 double-spaced pages in length, but no longer than 20 pages, for graduate students. It should clearly and comprehensively states the background, problem, strategy, activities, results, result analysis, lessons learned, followup actions, and a high level summary (and an abstract at the beginning). Additional material, such as graphs, models, test cases, etc. produced, information sources and raw data, customer surveys, etc., can be included in the appendix and clearly marked as such (so it will not be counted towards your 20 page quota).

For undergraduate students, you report should be similar, except the analysis part (see information in the "Proposal" section above). As a result, your report is expected to be around 10-12 pages. But, if you choose to, you can follow the instruction for graduate students as well.

Sample project report:
Here is a paper based on the project report by a former student in the CSE 5314/7314 class.

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@engr.smu.edu).
Initially posted: Aug. 19, 2005; Last update: Sep. 7, 2005.

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