CSE 7343/5343 (Fall 2014): Course Project

Prof. Jeff Tian (tian@lyle.smu.edu)


You project is a major part of your CSE 7343/5343. It should be an individual project. It will consist of the following parts:

Specific Requirements for 5343/7343 and Weighting

Parts I & II are required for all the (5343 and 7343) students; while Part III is only required for CSE 7343 students. The details are (will be) given in the related hypertext documents linked above. The approximate weights for each parts are as follows:

Grading Considerations

Any questions? Please contact me at tian@lyle.smu.edu

Prepared by Jeff Tian (tian@lyle.smu.edu).
Initially posted on Sept. 29, 2014. Last update: Sept. 29, 2014.

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