Jeff Tian's Research in Software Reliability Engineering
My research in this area concentrates on effective models and techniques
that not only help us evaluate product reliability but also improve
reliability and testing process for large software systems.
Software reliability engineering assumes
usage-based statistical testing
under the guidance of operational profiles (OPs) that characterize
usage patterns and frequencies of target customers.
My research in software reliability covers the following topics:
TBRMs for Reliability Improvement
In collaboration with industrial partners,
I have developed an integrated approach for reliability measurement
and improvement using tree-based reliability models or TBRMs.
This integrated approach focuses on reliability improvement by
identifying problematic areas for focused remedial actions.
This research is summarized in the following papers
(see also
abstracts for some of these and other recent papers):
J. Tian and J. Palma.
"Analyzing and Improving Reliability: A Tree-Based Approach",
IEEE Software,
Vol. 15, No.2, pp.97-104,
March/April,, 1998.
J. Tian,
"Reliability Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement
for Large Software Systems",
Advances in Computers, Vol.46, pp.159-235, Academic Press, 1998.
J. Tian.
"Integrating Time Domain and Input Domain Analyses of Reliability
Using Tree-Based Models".
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering.
Vol.21, No.12, pp.945-958, Dec., 1995.
Workload Measurement and Reliability Modeling
My work for various large commercial software products from IBM revealed
that properly captured test activities, workload, execution and
defect data can be used for reliability assessment and prediction.
This research is summarized in the following papers:
J. Tian and J. Palma.
"Test Workload Measurement and Reliability Analysis for
Large Commercial Software Systems",
Annals of Software Engineering, Vol.4, Aug. 1997.
J. Tian, P. Lu and J. Palma.
"Test Execution Based Reliability Measurement and Modeling
for Large Commercial Software".
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering.
Vol.21, No.5, pp.405-414, May, 1995
Recently, I have been concentrating on
reliability analysis for web applications
OO and embedded software systems.
Much of these are done in connection with testing
of such systems.
New Models Based on Data Clusters
Data clustering can improve reliability modeling results,
in terms of stability, accuracy in assessment and prediction, etc.
This research is summarized in the following paper
(see also online abstract for this paper):
J. Tian,
"Better Reliability Assessment and Prediction through Data Clustering",
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering,
Vol.28, No.10, pp.997-1007, Oct., 2002.
Tool Support
Tool support for data collection, analysis, and presentation
is discussed in connection to tool support for general
software measurement and analysis.
Prepared by Jeff Tian
Last update: May 2, 2003.
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