Senior Design Faculty

December 28th, 2023

Several OREM faculty members teach OREM’s Senior Design course:

  • Spring 2024: Drs. Dick Barr and Eli Olinick

Dick Barr (B.S.E.E., M.B.A, Ph.D. Operations Research, U. Texas at Austin) is an Associate Professor of the Operations Research and Engineering Management department at Southern Methodist University’s Lyle School of Engineering, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Barr’s research interests include large-scale optimization, network software for telecommunications and logistics, benchmarking models, quantum optimization, prescriptive analytics, and optimization-based data mining. His business background includes the establishment of several start-up companies, venture capital funding, and a consulting practice whose client list includes CONRAIL, Coopers & Lybrand, Cray Research, E-Systems, General Motors, The Heritage Foundation, IBM, Peat Marwick Main & Co., Raytheon, The Tax Foundation, Texas Instruments, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Health and Human Services, Interior, and Treasury. He has managed over 130 senior design projects involving 300+ students. Contact:  or 214-768-1772

Eli Olinick is an Associate Professor in the Department of Operations Research and Engineering Management at Southern Methodist University. Dr. Olinick completed his B.S. in Applied Mathematics at Brown University and earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California at Berkeley in 1994 and 1999, respectively. His research interests are in applied optimization-especially network design problems. He is the President of the INFORMS Technical Section on Telecommunications. Contact:  or  214-768-3092

Emily McIntosh is Senior Manager, Forensics & Integrity Services, Ernst & Young LLP and an adjunct professor in the OREM department. Dr. McIntosh has over a decade of experience providing eDiscovery, information governance, forensic data analytics and legal technology consulting services within EY’s Forensics & Integrity Services practice. She routinely leads complex global matters for Fortune 500 companies across a variety of industries, including health care, life sciences, technology and financial services. During her doctoral studies at SMU, she focused on gaining efficiencies transforming unstructured data using robotic process automation and Lean Six Sigma.

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