NYTimes Coverage of the 2003 term of the Supreme Court
Term Wrap Up | New York Times, 3 July |
Justices Uphold Georgia Reapportionment | New York Times, 1 July |
Child On-line Protection Act on Thin String | New York Times, 30 June |
Foreigners Can Use U.S. Courts to Attack Human Rights Violations | New York Times, 30 June |
Justices Hold for Detainees and Enemy Combatants | New York Times, 29 June |
What Do the Detainee/Combatant Decisions Mean? | New York Times, 29 June |
More "Fine-Tuning" of Miranda | New York Times, 29 June |
Sentencing Laws Imperiled | New York Times, 25 June |
Reprieve for Cheney | New York Times, 25 June |
No General Fourth Amendment Right Not to Give Name to Police | New York Times, 22 June |
HMO's Immune to Damage Suits Under State Law | New York Times, 22 June |
Court Ducks Newdow on Standing Concerns | New York Times, 15 June |
Court Clarifies Standard to Show Sexual Harassment in Employment | New York Times, 15 June |
Supremes Limit Scope of Federal Anti-Trust Laws in Cases of Attempted International Application | New York Times, 15 June |
Austrian Art Actionable in U.S. Courts | New York Times, 8 June |
Colorado Redistricting Case Rejected by Court | New York Times, 8 June |
Miranda and Teenaged Criminal Suspects | New York Times, 2 June |
Wine and Car Searches | New York Times, 25 May |
Courthouses and the Eleventh Amendment | New York Times, 18 May |
Summary of SC actions | New York Times, 4 May |
Supremes Hear Enemy Combatant-Detainees Case | New York Times, 29 April |
Cheney, Executive Privilege, and the Supreme Court |
New York Times, 28
April New York Times, 25 April |
New York Times, 21
April New York Times, 20 April |
Double Jeopardy and Tribal Courts | New York Times, 20 April |
"Imperial Presidency" and the Supreme Court | New York Times, 19 April |
Cases Testing Presidential Power | New York Times, 19 April |
Warrantless Use of Drug-sniffing dogs at traffic lights | New York Times, 7 April |
Vince Foster Photos | New York Times, 31 March |
Foreigner's Use of U.S. Courts | New York Times, 31 March |
Intent in age discrimination cases | New York Times, 30 March |
Double taxation and attorney's fees | New York Times, 30 March |
Executions | CNN, 29 March |
Can |
New York Times, 24 March |
Refusal to identify oneself to the police goes to the Court | New York Times, 23 March |
The Newdow case: the "Pledge" & "Under God" go to the Supremes |
New York Times, 25 March New York Times, 22 March Dallas Morning News, 22 March |
Court reverses 1980 ruling and protects confrontation right |
New York Times, 10 March New York Times, 9 March |
Court will hear race-conscious prison policy | New York Times, 2 March |
Supremes allow state ban on scholarship aid for religious study |
New York Times, 26
February New York Times, 25 February |
Supremes overturn capital conviction; strike search and seizure | New York Times, 25 February |
Supremes take on two deportation cases | New York Times, 24 February |
Supremes docket Padilla case | New York Times, 21 February |
In Feller, the Supremes unanimously reaffirm Miranda | New York Times, 27 January |
Supremes to review capital punishment for juveniles | New York Times, 27 January |
Court Sides with feds in Alaska dispute | New York Times, 22 January |
Court grants cert in case dealing with detention of illegal immigrants | New York Times, 17 January |
Orals in ADA access to state government building case | New York Times, 14 January |
Supremes Uphold Car "informational checkpoint stops" |
New York Times, 14 January New York Times, 13 January |
Supremes deny "silent detention" case | New York Times, 13 January |
Supremes take on citizen "enemy combatant" case | New York Times, 10 January |
Decisions on Car Search and Mexican Trucks, and Cheney and Executive Privilege to Go Before the Court | New York Times, 16 December |
SC to hear Overseas Anti-Trust Case | New York Times, 16 December |
Justices weigh Pennsylvania gerrymandering |
Houston Chronicle,
11 December Financial Times, 11 December Washington Post, 11 December |
McCain-Feingold Upheld, in large measure, in 298 page decision |
New York Times, 12 December New York Times, 11 December New York Times, 10 December |
Decision: Virginia can use Potomac River water | New York Times, 10 December |
Oral Arguments on Miranda Exceptions | New York Times, 10 December |
Justice Ponder Prosecutorial Mistakes in Death Penalty Case | New York Times, 9 December |
Vince Foster, Death Photos, and the Freedom of Information Act | New York Times, 4 December |
Court Hears State Support of Religious Studies case | New York Times, 3 December |
Court holds 20 seconds sufficient wait before forced entry of home | New York Times, 3 December |
Court to hear Support of Religious Studies case | New York Times, 2 December |
Newdow to argue his own case ("under god" in the pledge) | Washington Post, 2 December |
Court takes case on overseas abduction of foreign nationals |
The New York Times, 2 December The New York Times, 1 December MSNBC, 1 December |
Court takes a Capital Case to determine retroactivity | The New York TImes, 2 December |
Court rejects an Affirmative Action case... with interesting Qs raised | The New York Times, 18 November |
Age Discrimination | The New York Times, 14 November |
Constitutional "Turf" and Guantanamo Bay | The New York Times, 12 November |
Due Process and detention of Enemy Combatants" | The New York Times, 11 November |
"STOP!... In the name of the law..." before the Court again | The New York Times, 6 November |
HMOs, Commandments and other stuff | The New York Times, 4 November |
Justices May Look at 9/11 Issues | The New York Times, 3 November |
Judges and Sentences to be (re)reviewed | The New York Times, 21 October |
Pardon.... no review | The New York Times, 21 October |
Pot and States' Rights | The New York Times, 19 October |
Supremes ponder forced entry of home | The New York Times, 16 October |
Supremes delving back into internet porn | Washington Post, 15 October |
Supremes to her "Pledge of Allegiance" case |
October CNN, 14 October New York Times, 15 October |
Recovered Addicts, the ADA, and States' Rights | The Washington Post, 9 October |
Potomac River and States' Rights Qs - the arguments begin |
The New York Times,
8 October The Washington Post, 8 October |
Overview of the 2003 Term of the S.Ct. |
Los Angeles Times, 5 October Law.com, 6 October The New York Times, 6 October The Washington Post, 6 October |
Court to Hear Nazi Looted Art Case | New York Times, 1 October |
State Immunity and Bankruptcy Case | New York Times, 1 October |
Oral Arguments in McCain-Feingold | New York Times, 9 September |
More on McCain-Feingold | New York Times, 8 September |
McCain-Feingold heads for the Supremes | New York Times, 5 September |